#4 Setup: does a ZOI on the Reversal bar, as well as Setup Bar invalidate the #4?


Here is a #4 that failed, but unlike the examples in the lessons, this one had a ZOI on the Setup Bar (SUB) as well as on the bar with the Star/LVS/ZOI SB,

[Note on terms: I follow Wall Street convention to designate the bar with the Star/LVS/ZOI SB (same bar) as “Entry Bar minus 2” or -2EB. This avoids the notoriously slippery term BB, Bar Before, which is relative and so confusing, after all “Bar Before” what? Is that the Bar Before the Entry Bar ("-1EB"), before the setup bar ("-2EB") or the bar before that ("-3EB")? The entry bar is fixed, EB, and all others are designated relative to it as minus (before EB) or plus (after EB). see second ss.]

In this case the two ZOIs are of opposing colors, too far apart to constitute a crash, but close enough perhaps to warn of chop Do two ZOIs of opposing colors invalid the setup?

In other words, must SUB (-1EB) be ZOI-free?

What if there are two ZOIs but of the same color, as is possible, I guess with a ZOI on -3EB and -2EB (the */LVS/ZOI) bar?


Can you pleaae click on the link and post the long link so the images ahow up on the forum. Thank you fro paoting :slight_smile:


The zoi must form either on the same bar as the star lvs or on the bar before the bar with atar lvs to be a valid setup. Not after and not many bars before. Ao it is not a valid setup


Is this the long link that I should post. I thought I was doing that, but must be doing something wrong.

With this screenshot I posted the “long link”, does it appear?


Have ro click on the link to get the really long link