Can RTY Be Returned To The Elite Room


Can the RTY chart be put back into the Elite Room?

It used to be there, but then it was taken out. One can see the open space where it used to be.

Recently, the other Indices have developed huge premiums, and RTY is the most affordable at this time. More traders are referring to it in the Elite Room, which may be a sign of increased use. In addition, there are those who either don’t have access to or have a problem running Ninjatrader.

If it can’t be added back, it would be most unfortunate but understandable.


Unfortunately RTY is only available with live data feed. Doesn’t work with demo data feed, that’s why it’s not in elite room charts anymore


Thanks for replying so quickly.

If it was there before, was it ever malfunctioning? It seemed fine at that time.


I know it worked for a while but then CME changed it quite a while ago :frowning:


What a shame, but I understand. Thanks.