Decisions, Decisions


Hello Traders,

I’m taking a survey and would like some feedback. I can’t decide on which of these activities to do. Any thoughts?

  1. Watch the grass grow on my lawn

  2. Watch the new cement dry around my pool

  3. Measure my hair’s growth

  4. Trade in the futures markets for the past week and a half.

I think option #2 would be the quickest. This is ridiculous. There is absolutely no volume or direction in the markets for the past 7 trading days. My lord.



Perhaps an opportunity to trade a range-bound system like Iron Butterflies or Iron Condors??


Why not just go on vacation and return when the markets are in a condition you prefer?


Hi Travishawkins,

That is a great idea. St. Croix here I come! Trading Nadex Spreads using either the TC or IZSS systems in non trending markets is next to impossible and very boring. I am demo trading futures again and ultimately I think I’m going to switch between futures and spreads depending upon market conditions. Nadex Spreads using clarity price you need larger moves to make any money. Otherwise the screens just sit there due to the nature of the clarity price indicator.



Learn to trade the chop its even more profitable than the trends. I teach both in one system.