Demo Trading 5-minute TC binariees


Just getting started. What sort of win/loss ratio should I reach before I am ready to move to live trading. Is a 65% win rate realistic?


There is no particular formula for a certain win % you should be at, since it all depends on your strategy. meaning a 65% win rate would not quite cut it if you were only trading ITm binaries risking $80 each time. You should base it of at what point are you consistently profitable overall and seeing your demo balance grow each week. Once you get to that point where you feel like you are losing out on REAL money because you have it mastered in demo and see your demo account growing each week, then that is when you would want to look at making the switch over


You need to be net profitable on a consistent basis before you go to live and no 65% will not cut it.

Get in the room with Greg at night and let him help you out if you have a 65% win ratio.