Is it possible to do Binary Spreads

I saw your video on doing NADEX bull spreads… Is there a way to do this with binary and limit your losses if you lose?

My thought is to buy a binary around $50 for example and sell one at lower price just in-case it drops or combine it with a bull spread… The reason I ask is I cannot always be there when a binary expires to get out before it expires worthless or it has dropped so quickly a couple times that I could not get out before it was worth like $20.

not really - the benefit is not worth the cost…

ie to hedge a binary you you may pay 25 etc…

if it expires in between you lose max on both

if you use a bull spread depends on if it falls enough ticks or not to hedge it…not really the best hedge method

if you can’t be around - then choose a lower risk binary versus an ATM one…