Quick ticket buttons / url hacking


[I’ve already posted a question regarding having all tickets available in the scanner, even when deep ITM. For a strategy that plays deep ITM, this makes things difficult. There were no answers there, and because of that I’m trying to come up with a different solution.]

The system I’m currently testing is a premium collection strategy for deep ITM options. I wait until my indicators tell me to buy or sell from the upper or lower two strikes. I click the ticket (when it is available to click) for that direction, enter my offer (usually a set $$ everytime). If there is not ticket available, I click the opposite direction, then change directions, enter my offer). If the order gets filled, good. If not, i move on to the next time period.

I run about an 93% win rate. EXCEPT when I have to change the direction because there is not ticket in the direction I want to go. When that happens and I accidentally enter an order in the direction I don’t want to go, it is an automatic loss of the full risk because it’s too late for a stop loss and I usually can’t get out of it till expiration.

I’m trying to figure out how to make a dashboard that has the 4 trades per forex pair. This dashboard would take the URL for the ticket and modify it based on parameters that match my system. Then when i get my signals, i click on one of 4 buttons and it sends in my order. No waiting for the ticket to open and change (which usually takes time to open. Then I have to resize it usually to get to the submit button). And no entering the wrong direction.

Here is a shot of my mock up for how this would work.

I’m pretty sure I could get this to work, except that if you take the link directly from the ticket and paste it in another window, it opens a blank window with nothing but “TICKET” in it.
ALSO, this URL opens the ticket prefilled. I’d want to make it so that clicking the button on the dashboard actually submits a working order for that item.

I see myself using this in conjunction with the scanner. But could also be an optional addon that pops it above the Working/Open Orders box on the scanner.

Anyone have any ideas. I know there are some super smart folks out there. We can figure this out.


Why don’t you just use the instant submit feature, (lighting bolt) on the scanner? Use the filters on the left to narrow it down to exactly what you’re looking for. Then when you get your signal, just click the instant submit.


Thank you for the reply. Yes, that is the right idea. Something that when clicked directly enters the ticket. However, that means I have to sit and watch for that strike to open up at the right price and be able to move the mouse and click it as soon as it does. I’m looking for a way to put in a working order as soon as my indicators give me a good signal (even if there are no available offers or bids - and hence there would be no lightening bold). That way I my ticket gets filled (becomes open) as soon as the item becomes available. But you’re on the right track. Thanks


Right, that’s what I’m saying. That technology already exists. You can click the lightning bolt to immediately get into the trade when signaled. You’ll already have your OTM filters set to show you the trades you want faster. And if there’s no offer or bid for your trade, then you can put in a working order and hope it gets filled. If it doesn’t, then you’d never be able to get in that trade anyway.


Thank you again for your reply. I do really appreciate your willingness to help me.
I understand what you’re suggesting, however, it doesn’t fit with my strategy. Lets say that my strategy right now was telling me to buy the low strike for GBP-USD - there is no lightening bolt to select.

Or lets say my signals were telling me to sell GBP-USD at the high strike - I don’t want to buy it for $.25. That would be a definitive loser (-$2 fees).

Additionally, if I set the min higher and put a max (I don’t want anything that’s >$95 risk) the strikes jump around (autohide) which makes hitting the lightening bolt even harder. And it doesn’t take the items moving and hitting the wrong INSTANT too many times to realize this isn’t the right solution.

In this example, when my signals say SELL GBP-USD, I want to put in a working order for $85. I’m fine if it doesn’t get filled. But about 3 out of 10 times my orders get filled without me having to keep my finger on the button waiting for the strike to show up. But I enter alot of working orders. If I can make that process easier (to enter the working orders) I don’t care that only 30% of my orders get filled. I’m sitting around watching TV making $75 an hours. I just think it should be easy to make it ever easier - with the right input.

I’m looking for input a bit beyond the regular/current Apex interface.
I would see this being a super easy add similar to the “Profit/loss simulation” advanced option. A button to select turning it on. Entering in the price you want. That takes over the “current market price” that fills into the INSTANT order.
The other part of that is keeping the ticket/lightening bolt visible even if there is nothing available at that strike at the moment.


Ahh, I see what you’re getting at. That’s something we can consider for future development. Right now we have a whole lot going on, and it would be a long way off if we implemented that. You have a very good use case here though, so thanks for bringing it up.


Thanks again. I love the scanner. Couldn’t imagine using Nadex without it. In the interim, do you think you could point me to someone/somewhere I could get help me get my links working? I think I’m on the right track, but can’t quite make it work. I need input on

  1. knowing with the URL is (the one that is sent from clicking the lightening button
  2. breaking down that URL into editable chunks
  3. getting that URL to send.

Thanks alot for your help