
I have a workspace labeled blank, but it loads many charts. Should i create a new blank workspace that loads no charts. If so how would i do that with my current situation. What should i do. thanks

I’m no ninja expert (so take this with a grain or two of salt) But when you open the top left tab (of ninja) it will have a tab labeled "workspaces) click that and press the “save as” option to save your setup just like it is (if you use multi screens and open ninja without the extras attached those on the other screens are going to be “off stage”.

This is because you saved the charts when you closed nt7 instead of making a new workspace and saving them

Simply save as a new workspace

The go to file workspace choose blank

Close all charts

File workspace save

And when you close nt7 make sure only the blank is open.

  1. Thank you for replying and not completly understand but I will list the steps i am taking and the one i am stuck at.
  2. I am turning on my computer
  3. clicking on NT
  4. NT is loading
  5. I now have charts on my screen
  6. What do i do now?—thank you

Open Control Center

  1. Go to File / Workspaces/Save Workspace As… (assign any name you want)
  2. File/Workspaces/Open Workspace (select blank and open it)
  3. Delete all charts within blank workspace
  4. File/Workspaces/Save Workspace

Now you can go to file workspace and you will see the new one you made in the list and the blank one.

Close the new one down before you close nth

When you open it blank will open if you closed down with the blank one open.

Once connected to data then you can open your custom workspace