New Scanner Moneyness Terms: It is all about the Indicative


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New Scanner Moneyness Terms: It is all about the Indicative

  1. ITS (In the Spread) - the Indicative Index is between the floor and the ceiling of the spread.

  2. DITS (Deep in the spread) The Indicative is above the ceiling on the buy side or the indicative is below on the sell side.

  3. NTM: (Near the market) - more about the price than floor and ceiling. The current Indicative is close to where the current market is The bid or offer of the spreads is near the indicative price; with in 10 ticks.

  4. OTS: (Out of the Spread) The indicative is above the ceiling on a sell or the indicative is below the floor on a buy.

  5. ITS/NTM: a combination of (In the Spread) / (Near the Spread(M)) The indicative is between the floor and ceiling and the bid or offer price is within 10 ticks of the indicative.

  6. OTS/NTM: (Out of the Spread) / (Near the Spread(M)) These are rare and few. They are still 10 ticks with in the market and low risk spread(s).

Moneynewss Spread Scanner Video 6 mins - Video Link