Think about the most useful keywords for whatever you’re interested in learning about and use the magnifying glass on the top right of the page. For this one I searched for “nadex or futures” and “nadex or ninja” (without quotes). This forum software is actually pretty good with the search results.
Here’s another that may help you, or others in a similar boat…
NinjaTrader, Apex, Nadex, Brokerages, Clearing Houses - What’s the difference between them all?
As for which to start with, in my opinion the only reason to start with Nadex is low account size. That is, if you simply don’t yet have enough funds to setup and trade a futures/forex account. Aside from that, I think the latter is actually a better place to start. It’s kind of like how Darrell describes binary options vs. spreads…binary options tend to be more appealing because they’re easier to understand, but are actually more difficult to trade profitably. Conversely, spreads are a bit harder to grasp, but once you do, they are easier to trade than binaries.
Trading forex/futures contracts is a bit more complex to set up, but I’d say ultimately easier to trade. It’s more difficult to setup because not only do you need more funds to get started than with Nadex, but there’s also a few more considerations to be made (who do I use, what should the fees be, what platform should I use, etc.) In addition, there’s the aspect of learning how to manage stops during your trading. (Although, if you’d be using the scanner to trade spreads on Nadex, you’d want to learn how to use stops there as well anyway.)
In any case, these initial hurdles aren’t very difficult to get over, and once you do get all that set up, and have enough practice using the Chart Trader, as I said, I’m inclined to say it’s easier than trading on Nadex (if you’re using Apex trading systems, at least.)
Recommendations for broker and clearing house can be gained from here or the elite room, and there’s limited options anyway, if you want to trade within the NT platform, which, as mentioned earlier is recommended for ease of trading. NT brokers page is here. Here’s a decent webinar from a NinjaTrader representative going over some of the account setup basics.
If you will have the appropriate amount of funds available for trading forex/futures contracts when you’re ready to go live, then you might simply start off by practicing the Power Trading with Walls system in simulation mode on NinjaTrader (free), and not worry about Nadex. Once you’ve proven yourself profitable, and are ready to transition to live trading with real money, you can then fund an account and just continue within NinjaTrader.
Another aspect that makes forex/futures a bit easier is that you can practice at any time. If you recall, I mentioned in the other thread that there is no “market replay” with Nadex, meaning you can only place Nadex trades (even in demo) using live price action. But with the Market Replay function on NT, you can replay a market any time you want, and place trades on that chart just as if you were trading live. So not only is it a bit more straightforward to place the trades, it’s much easier to get practice doing so as well.
So if you have the funds to comfortably setup a forex/futures account to trade with, you might actually leave Nadex for later.