1 Deviation High to Low Movement During the Night for Apex Elite System

In the 7am hour and in the 8am I saw to valid E enteries on the NQ. I was reluctant to take the entry because I saw overnight price had already moved 1 dev high to low. In this case with NQ price kept going up. I wanted to get your thoughts especially with NQ, GC, TF, and CL instruments. How much do we have to take into consideration the high to low dev movement when it happened in the night time. Also in this case how should we take volume into consideration for entries.


<img src=/uploads/db0876/611/dbb3126481afe226.png">

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Yes the market will go beyond a deviation but it is a rarity. Trading is about trading within the probabilities not the exceptions. More often than not you will be glad you are not adding positions past or into deviation levels on any market.

Here is the screenshot I was trying to upload.

Please go to this link so we can see the screenshot :slight_smile: http://apexinvesting.net/forum/how-share-charts-other-traders-230/how-download-install-use-jing-screencast-432.html#.U-5m6_l318E you missed a couple steps check out the image with the step by step

i click y our link i see a chart but no information no text or drawings not sure where or what to look at try again i will help :slight_smile:

Here is an example of Gold Today it moved well over 1 deviation down the previous night and basically 2 dev (high to low) was the new 1 dev when the morning came along…

not a shabby day

So yes trades can happen if it is strongly through the deviation level already and it now is ranging between a new set of levels

18 wins and 2 losses

Ok thank you