5 Minute binaries +


So I’ve been concentrating on 5 minute binaries, since I mainly have time in the evenings to trade. I’ve been going mostly demo, demo, demo with an occasional live trade here and there (not 100% live yet). One thing I wanted to check with from those with more experience is this: I’ve adjusted the timeline in the scanner to show all trades 30 minutes and under. I’ve noticed on occasion when there is enough volume and momentum the binaries will literally blow right through the 5 available levels on the 5 minute binary. In those situations, when available (and only in demo so far) I’ve jumped on trades in the same direction with different expiration (10, 15 or more minutes left) to try and ride that momentum. Given the charts and strategies are defined for the 5 minute binaries, would I be safe if I was to try to get some of these non 5 minute binary ‘continuation’ trades if I was trading live?


Not a bad idea at all! Demo it and let us know how its going.