8:30 est

What is it about 8:30 AM EST that makes some markets make extreme moves. Doesn’t happen every day but I’ve noticed some days multiple markets make considerable moves at that time. Case in point was this morning January 10th at 8:30 when the EUR/USD chart went through the top of my computer and climbed up the back wall. Gary.

Check out the news calandar…


At 8:30AM on 1/10 you will see some big news released. The Nonfarm Payrolls (NFP) can have a high impact on currencies.

Thanks. I see there were a total of 5 events occurring at 8:30 this morning that could have affected the USD. I’ll know next time to have those spreads in place beforehand. I did run a copy of the weekly news plan last Sunday night but it didn’t have as much posted as now. Only events showing then were the “crop progress report” and the “weekly weather and crop bulletin” both at 4 PM. I like the news plan as the whole week is contained on one page but it’s not nearly as detailed as the calendar.

It has the same amount posted Yes weekly view shows more.detail it may be updated throughout the week so check daily Click on the event for even more details