A Journey

First, a little background. Became interested in Forex back in the early 2000’s but quickly realized that most systems and products were meant to separate a fool from his money. I was very interested, but being young, dumb, and broke didn’t leave me with much in the way of options. I toyed with demo’s, systems, and strategies over the next few years never quite finding anything that I trusted, or that I could remain profitable demo trading over time. A couple of years ago I stumbled upon Apex and I was very interested in what DM was preaching. It sounded good, it looked great, it looked easy, but I still could not make my mind work with the system. I could only trade nights, and working what seemed like non-stop in IT, I just didn’t have the focus at night to really do what was needed.

So a week or so ago I saw a sniper system email and a blurb about the automation, and being someone who builds, drives, and dreams up automation in my day job, it had my interest. Different job where I am crazy busy but primarily work from home so my options are more open. So, 6/4/2020 I consumed ALL of the videos (yes, all of them), and started the process of restarting a dormant Dorman account and getting sniper setup. I purchased the automation piece and below will be a trade log of sorts, bone headed moves and all.

Defined Goals and Self-Imposed Rules

  • 4 Full weeks of sim trading with nothing but the free bootcamp indicators and TA is allowed
  • Each day must have a corresponding forum post and 90 day challenge sheet filled out completely
  • Only micro lots as that is where I will start when live, no more than $3 per tick of risk
  • Only NQ and MES, and ONLY Sniper TX Filtered ES, and Sniper TX ODD DRD ETX ES trades are allowed
  • No scalping, Testing, ATM testing, ATM changes, pick ONE and stick with it for 4 full weeks
  • No chart changes, default template only
  • Only US session and 7PM -10PM CDT trades allowed. I am allowed ONLY a single trade per night regardless of the outcome.
  • No trailing stops, TP and SL are fixed values and cannot be moved unless my fill was at a level that was unexpected.

Prep work 6/7/2020:

  • Knocked the rust off my Ninja 7 license

  • Watched the setup videos several times again

  • Did some replay on it (which was a giant pain and less than helpful if I am being honest)

  • Started the process for funding a live account

Day 1: 6/8/2020

  • Fire up the charts and the automation (MNQ and MES)
  • Joined the trade room so I could listen in between calls
  • Turned on all long and shorts for all systems (not realizing that with bootcamp I really only have two available.
  • Watched it trade like mad with seemingly no real pattern that my tiny brain could discern.

Being a hands on visual learner, I expected this to be honest. I needed to see it take the trades, see what won, what lost, why it lost, how it compared to the rules before I could begin to wrap my mind around it. Needless to say it was a disaster.

Total Trades: 28 (yes, I know this is WAY to many but the goal was to expand the number of examples I could see in demo)

  • Winning Trades : 17
  • Losing Trades: 11
  • P/L: -$36.25

Lessons learned:

  • Focus on the rules for one single setup, even if it does not occur very often (rookie mistaking wanting more trades when I lose most of them)
  • I have more mental confidence in trades coming off of levels (Paw, MM, Deviation, ZOI, walls, etc) so focus setting the TA to hone in on those.
  • Looked over every single trade for the day, looking left, beginning to recognize chop, and other flags.

End of day feeling: I ended the day thinking yep, another swing, another miss but given the myriad of previous failures, I should not expect immediate success. Overall mood = “meh”

Day 2: 6/9/2020

  • Fire up the charts and the automation (MNQ and MES)
  • Joined the trade room so I could listen in between calls
  • Started with all TA’s on semi and long/short OFF

I waited until approximately 8:35 (CDT) to turn anything on and what do you know, first trade is a winner.

Trade 1

Trade 2 & 3

Total Trades: 3

  • Winning Trades : 3
  • Losing Trades: 0
  • P/L: $36.00

Lessons learned:

  • Rules are there for a reason, FOCUS on NOT breaking them.
  • The TA is way faster than my brain is so trade 3 was not something I was comfortable with when it fired, but after a second to look things over, I was ok with it. *After the 3rd trade, turned the TA off and just watched the rest of the day.

End of day feeling: Ended the day feeling like I just might be more intelligent than your average single celled organism, or it might have just been a fluke. Overall mood: Not quite a smile, but a definite smirk

Bonus Material Watching the night session right after the webinar I noticed this:

Took it for 6 ticks and got out at the MM, not totally sure I got all the rules right but I don’t think I broke any.

Day 3: 6/10/2020

  • Fire up the charts and the automation (MNQ and MES)
  • Joined the trade room so I could listen in between calls
  • Started with all TA’s on semi and long/short OFF

I waited until approximately 8:35 (CDT) to turn anything on and the first trade is almost immediate.

Trade 1 - Lost due to SL being wrong by one tick

Trade 2 - Winner

Trade 3 &4 - Winner

Trade 5 - Winner

Trade 6 - Winner

Trade 7 - Winner

Total Trades: 7

  • Winning Trades : 6
  • Losing Trades:1
  • P/L: $34.00

Lessons learned:

  • Fast markets (near the open) are difficult for me to manage, I can’t think as fast as the market moves
  • Check the stop on each trade, I would have been 3-0 instead of 6-1 had I noticed the stop placed by the ATM was off where it should be by a single tick
  • I do better in ranges than I do with larger moves, wait for a level, and catch the bounce off it if everything else lines up and I get a trade.

End of day feeling: Moved from a single cell organism to what might just potentially be a multi cell organism, maybe a 1.5 cell or something. Overall mood: Smirk to a smile because I think now I just MIGHT be able to wrap my head around all of this.

Bonus Night Time Trade image Both signals fired on the same bar, so I turned on the TA. Fill got jumped, price immediately came back to the fill before I could even cancel them and then closed in the same bar. Total time in trade was something like 4 seconds from entry to exit, pretty amazing.

1 Like

great job keep it up

Day 4: 6/11/2020: So you think you can trade?

  • Fire up the charts and the automation.
  • NQ today because really, how different can NQ be from MNQ… right? (NOTE: WRONG!)
  • Joined the trade room so I could listen in between calls
  • Started with all TA’s on semi and long/short OFF

Things were oddly active well before the 8:30 CDT mark, so I should have seen the warning signs. As promised previously though, this an all-inclusive history, so here is my absolute disaster of a morning.

Trade 1 - Lost due to me being blind apparently

Trade 2 - Winner but weird movement was extremely fast, entry and exit in the same bar, just weird. Foreshadowing?

Trade 3 - Winner off a ZOI so exactly what I was looking for.

Trade 4 - Loser but I followed the rules

Trade 5 - Winner, but again WEIRD movement and prints on the chart

So at this point I am 3-2 but down due to small TP and larger stops. Not panicked, but I know by this time things aren’t normal, I just don’t know what exactly, but in hindsight, I should have hung it up because I knew things were weird.

Trade 6 - Loser (Another weird one and back to 3-3)

Trade 7 - Winner (off a wall, with a MM on another MM and plenty of room in the range)

I am at 4-3 at this point but still down in the points significantly.

Trade 8 - Winner but a bad decision, short into a MM and a wall, it worked but it was not correct

5-3 and still down but not significantly so I decide to wait for 10:00 and go for one more.

Trade 9 - Loser (I didn’t pay attention to the green line as that explained the bounce) and I got filled at a very weird price

Total Trades: 9

  • Winning Trades : 5
  • Losing Trades:4
  • P/L: ($355)

Lessons learned:

  • No volume should equal no trades, without liquidity all movements are magnified on very low volume.
  • Watch the walls, know where they are before I turn on the short or long.
  • If it doesn’t feel right, then back off and watch for a while until I figure out why it doesn’t feel right. If that means no trades, then that means no trades.
  • I am not ready to play with the big kids
  • I have a psychological issue with tick amounts being worth multiple dollars instead of one dollar.

End of day feeling: Now back to the single cell organism, or maybe just the little hairs on the outer wall of that organism. Overall mood: significant frown for not just turning things off when I noticed 5 bars printing in less than 2 seconds.

No trades today in NQ/MNQ as the movement is still to weird. Played a little in MES mostly walking back through the charts and focusing on being able to absorb all the information on the chart in a shorter span of time. Came up with an idea though for some training.

Setup a chart and minimize it, let it run all day printing everything. At the end of the day scroll back to the start trade time and setup a repeating key to advance the chart forward one bar in 10 second intervals. Focus on just reading each bar and think about what strategy you would enable or disable and since it advances at a set pace it forces you to try to see everything in more of a live market scenario. ICE levels, deviations, walls, MM, PAW, etc. It is harder than it sounds but also helps you gain a sight picture. I find that a fitting term given the system name is firearm related. I know some of you are thinking why not just use market replay and I did try that, but my results were mixed at best.

Day 6: 6/15/2020: Back to Meh

  • Fire up the charts and the automation.
  • ES today because NQ is still no liquidity
  • Joined the trade room so I could listen in between calls
  • Started with all TA’s on semi and long/short OFF

Started off with a bone head move setting up my chart. ES with 10 tick bars, first trade was of course a loser.

Trade 1 - Lost due to me being blind apparently

Trade 2 - Winner. Once I fixed the bar size, I got another entry but my TP got jumped, so I moved my stop to BE and the TP up to the next MM/Paw. Basically netted out to zero with the first trade being a full loser.

Trade 3 - Winner but I broke the rules as I did not have ODD, I did have two PAWS and a MM however.

Trade 4 - Winner

Trade 5 - Winner, but I am not sure I followed the rules. ODD was there but we were a tick away from making a higher high.

Trade 6 - Winner

Trade 7 - Winner on a fast move, ATM fired to late for the initial entry but got in on a retrace.

Total Trades: 7

  • Winning Trades : 6
  • Losing Trades:1
  • P/L: 9.00 Points

Lessons learned:

  • Getting more comfortable reading all the different indicators at the same time but I still have room to improve
  • Make sure if you change the chart you change the tick size .

End of day feeling: Now back to the single cell organism Overall mood: Meh, mostly because I have not been consistent as of yet.

Day 7: 6/16/2020: Back to Meh

  • Fire up the charts and the automation.
  • ES today because NQ is still no liquidity
  • Joined the trade room so I could listen in between calls
  • Started with all TA’s on semi and long/short OFF

Started off with Messy charts because for some reason the paws were continuing to print even after being broken, however it was a good start.

Trade 1 - Winner, long at 9:40 with a paw, mm, and ZOI right at my stop.

Trade 2 - Loser. Followed the quick win up with a trade that broke all the rules. I passed on a short that was perfect to take a long that was into a MM, Paw, and a block of other orders. Stupid and I paid the price.

Trade 3 - Winner, decent entry but looking back I completely missed the previous long coming off the bottom of the range with a lot of support.

Trade 4 - Winner, off the top of the range and it was over in seconds. Good entry, good exit and no terror in between

Trade 5 - Winner, Broke the high but on significantly more volume and did not break it by much, took the short for a quick TP.

Total Trades: 5

  • Winning Trades : 4
  • Losing Trades:1
  • P/L: 2.75 Points

Lessons learned:

  • No major revelations today other than continue to pay attention to what is in between me and the TP. .

End of day feeling: Creeping up on the multi-cell organism again. Today seemed like it was easier than previous days, then again I had fewer distractions. Overall mood: Meh but moving towards a smirk

Day 8: 6/17/2020: Good Morning

  • Fire up the charts and the automation.
  • ES today because NQ is still no liquidity
  • Joined the trade room so I could listen in between calls
  • Started with all TA’s on semi and long/short OFF

Waited about 15 minutes due to being wrapped up in a phone call.

Trade 1 - Winner, Short off a wall, with some room to move between there and settlement. Paw and MM just above my stop so I felt pretty good about this one from the start.

Trade 2 - Winner. coming off the bottom on previous MM and paws, along with a wall and blue ICE. For once I saw this one setting up so I am gaining the ability to see things coming instead of being so reactive.

Trade 3 - Winner, but was accidental. I had left the filtered TX on long since we had been green on the DR. I would not have taken the trade had I noticed that the TA was still on, but technically speaking no rules were broken since that setup is already heavily filtered by the TA itself.

Total Trades: 3

  • Winning Trades : 3
  • Losing Trades:0
  • P/L: 5.25 Points

Lessons learned:

  • Having the percentages on the ODD numbers helps me more quickly spot the divergence.
  • I am more comfortable with range bound trades but the comfort level is more psychological since what prints on the chart is not going to magically stop the price from going against me. The trades do carry less fear for me though.
  • I need to be cautious in going to the well to many times in a range, while I didn’t do that today, I find myself really looking hard or expecting a setup when we get near the top of bottom which could lead me to miss things that are telling me to stay flat.


End of day feeling: Creeping up on the multi-cell organism again. Today was the easiest day I have had yet, good setups, that came together pretty quickly and while there is a fear of loss in each trade, I am developing more trust in the signals the chart gives and my decisions to act upon them correctly. Overall mood: Meh but moving towards a smirk

Day 9: 6/18/2020: Stale and Quiet

  • Fire up the charts and the automation.
  • ES today because NQ is still no liquidity
  • Joined the trade room so I could listen in between calls
  • Started with all TA’s on semi and long/short OFF

Kind of pressed for time tonight so no charts as they are not exciting or really relevant.

Trade 1 - Winner from a lori call in the room, I saw it setting up so that made me feel good.

Trade 2 - Loser. Took a long, Lori told me not to, but I did it anyway, didn’t notice that I just had a plain old Xbox, no paw, no MM. I should have listend to Lori.

Trade 3 - Winner short, filtered TX with the trend, nothing special and since it is already heavily filtered with the TA about the only rule I could break is taking it into a level or wall. In this case I did neither of those things.

Total Trades: 3

  • Winning Trades : 2
  • Losing Trades:1
  • P/L: -0.75 Points

Lessons learned:

  • Listen to Lori
  • Do not do something when Lori tells you not to.
  • Some days are slow, thats ok so long as you aren’t trying to make something out of nothing. Take what comes.


End of day feeling: Ended the day basically flat, so I am ok with that honestly. I would rather have a BE day than a losing day, and without the one bad trade, I would have been up, so lesson learned. LISTEN TO LORI!
Overall mood: Meh

Day 10: 6/24/2020: A little break

  • Fire up the charts and the automation.
  • ES today because NQ is still no liquidity
  • Joined the trade room so I could listen in between calls
  • Started with all TA’s on semi and long/short OFF

Having been distracted with work through the morning sessions the last couple of days, today was my first opportunity to focus after I wrapped up my morning calls.

Trade 1 - Winner DTX reinforced by a DM call but I saw it setting up which is a good sign.

Trade 2 - Winner. TX Filtered and I forgot to turn the ODD DRD TA off so it fired as well which was not intentional but it worked out.

Trade 3 - DTX short again reinforced by a call in the room but solid trade

Total Trades: 3

  • Winning Trades : 3
  • Losing Trades:0
  • P/L: 4.25 Points

Lessons learned:

  • Being in the room and paying attention helps but it helps more if I can see the setup coming before anyone says anything.
  • Don’t worry so much about being in right at 9:30, there are trades all morning most mornings.
  • Focus on the ETX trades as they have the highest probability.


End of day feeling: Good day after a break for a couple of days and I am starting to be able to anticipate what setup might be coming based on what is on the chart currently. Stick with the trend, and ensure if there is a strong direction I am ignoring the retraces and catching the larger trend direction.

Overall mood: Good.

Day 11: 6/25/2020: Three and out

  • Fire up the charts and the automation.
  • ES today because NQ is still no liquidity
  • Joined the trade room so I could listen in between calls
  • Started with all TA’s on semi and long/short OFF

Morning calls didn’t wrap up until about 10:00 EST so I was a little late to the game, but it didn’t take long for the first trade. This one was called out in the room.

Trade 1 - Winner. TX Filterd Little retrace in the down trend,

Trade 2 - Winner. TX Filtered after a little pull back

Trade 3 - Divergence, and got a weird fill as the move was fast, it missed the fill on the first bar, then immediately filled me on the second bar.

Total Trades: 3

  • Winning Trades : 3
  • Losing Trades:0
  • P/L: 4.25 Points

Lessons learned:

  • I need to rewatch the videos now that I have a solid understand of what all the colors/shapes/components are.


End of day feeling: Good day, and an easy morning with pretty simple trades. If only they were all this easy.

Overall mood: Good.