Additional Broker Account

Just a quick question,

First thanks for all the educational materials on your site. Im still learning and trying to digest all the materials here on binaries. Im considering funding another account beside nadex. I was considering amp or mb trading as i can use ninja with both. I really like to spread trade gold and oil in the early ny session from 8-11. Which would be a better broker in your opinion. I have used mb trading a long time ago with a small forex account and they seemed to be an ok broker. Ive emailed Justin on several accounts but he does not reply so im leaning toward mb.

thanks for your reply,


I’ve never had a problem reaching Justin - did you try a phone call or skype?

What email are you using i can verify its accurate.

Justin gives great low commissions - lower than anyone else for Apex clients Low margins same or similar to MB And tons of free data and a free live key for nt7 - including ICE etc…

Try his skype and let me know the email your using so i can help you

Ive honestly never got a complaint so maybe we have an error.

No didnt call emailed at ( [email protected]) Im sure he is busy. Ill try his skype. Much thanks,

Just talked to justin he called and emailed you just now - hopefully you two can touch base soon. He is a broker so it will be during business hours.

Missed his call but will get in touch tomorrow. much thanks,