I realize many don’t like to tie up funds for days, but does APEX offer any Nadex weekly binary strategies/trg. Primarily selecting strikes for premium collection. Thank you.
I do have weekly strategies that will work on weekly binaries. But i see little point. Its not about tying up funds as much as it is there is no benefit to doing so as profits and probabilities do not increase. Trading for extended days makes sense if there can be larger profits. But since a 2 hour binary is worth the same as a 1 day the same as a weekly (all $100) - why wait a week to make what you can make in a day or an hour or a few minutes? What reason would there be to do a weekly. Not saying there is not any just trying to understand why?
More of a trading style, as I prefer not to be in and out so frequently. Short on time with full time job that I enjoy. Don’t want to be glued to screen. Choosing strikes further out on weeklies for premium collection adds a cushion and for me might be worth the wait. I’m interested in your weekly binary strategies. Thank you.
Takes more time to manage a weekly trade and be ready for a weekly position as its not like you will get in on sunday - you will have to be ready at anytime day or night during the week to enter on the weekly contract when the signal occurs - in addition if doing premium collection you have to manage risk - it does not really give you a cushion as premium collection risk is higher - so you would have to be availble on a moments notice to exit the trade as you can’t do premium collection without a stop loss as you would get nailed… versus sitting down for 15 minutes and being done… does not take being glued to a computer to do a trade a day- but you will have to watch it much more if you trade weekly premium collection… not sure if this is making sense but having to always monitor for an entry signal and exit signal would take much more time out of your week
My thought is that having a week to expiry gives you more time for the position to move in your favor. If your initial hunch was wrong and the trade moves against you, you have time on your side. What are your thoughts on that mindset? Thanks!