Anyway Profit

Is there a strategy that would work in a way that you can purchase two spreads and/or Binaries (Nadex) and no matter which way the market moves or by how much, you will always profit even if it’s just a few bucks profit?

the holy grail… :smiley:

Yes the strategy is called arbitrage. I’ve done a lot of of it on and off exchanges. Its a lot of work done live with a lot of math on every combo for a little profit. It can be there every day every hour and then disappear forever. Then come back unexpectedly. The more people who do it the less it exist. So no one is going to share it. You have to be an arb trader to find this, know what arb is, have a 100% perfect understanding of the product and pricing model, and need all the tools to make it happen, perfect math, and live API’s as you never know what tie of day 24x6 it will happen.

Wow, that’s insane, of course if it was easy more would be doing it.

and when they did it would be gone :frowning: - its fun to pursue but the payoff is usually short lived) better just to trade the trends

Hummmmm??? :"}

You can hummm… but don’t waste your time you will spend a ton of time searching for a holy grail and make $100 one time feel like a champion and passed by 100’s if not 1,000’s of other trading opportunities.

I can build arb models like crazy but you a better have a lot of resources to program them and be willing to spend that money even if nothing happens and look at the reality of liquidity and fees to see that even if it was there would i be able to do due to my positions size or liquidity a large enough position to make the small arb worth it now and then when it may or may not appear.

This is one of those super fascinating things that will lead you to be being broke due to not trading at all and 1 mistake i mean 1 little mistake and the arb can blow up and lose months if not years of income. So again unless you are insanely experienced in quant math, have lots of money and a big account and are going to focus only on super liquid markets, an have the money adn time to invest into it with the high probability of no payoff and a small probability of a fun small 1 or 2x payoff then just move on and trade.