ATR and market analyzer

ATR is based on historical price. Also we use the Dianostic Bars which are not time based but rather tick based as the charts are much cleaner.

I use the apex entry for entries (look for possible divergences, hits on deviation levels, apex entries, powerlines, confirmation of close on EMA and Volatile trend line (the more that line up the better

I don’t trade OTM binaries (or rarely trade them on moves as you don’t know how long it will take to get there…If i do trade an OTM binary i want it to be a 2:1 reward to risk ratio as i can do an ATM/ITM binary for a 1:1 much easier (also an AMT/ITM i want a shorter expiration as i just need the market to be flat move a little against me or a lot in my favor so the sooner it expires the better. But if I do an OTM binary I want as much time as possible as you may be right about direction and strike but wrong about time. Most my OTM binary trades are news trades or gap trades.

I prefer more than anything to use spreads when trading the apex pattern as you can make a whole lot more on a lot less risk and it is not all or nothing it is much easier and more reward and lower margin… But ATM binaries for say a “profit popper” or spreads if larger enough could be use for the profit popper. For trend catcher definetely use spreads and trail stops using powerlines, deviations on 10 minute bars, and watch the volatile trend line/ema and for divergences for trailing stops…on spreads.

The market analyzer can only be setup on instruments that you use the exact same brick size. It will only show you if an APEX is there. A deviation or ATR will not make it higher or lower probability all by itself so you will need to look at the chart on any chart with a pending E that is flagged on the analyzer. If you want different bar sizes you will need a new market analyzer for each market that uses a different bar size.

The bar sizer just lets you konw the size to make the brick. That is its sole function. It won’t really help you for filtering trades beyond helping you find the right bar size.