Awesome prices on USD/CHF

I’m not counting my dough before it’s made, but take a look at these prices for USD/CHF 11am expiry binaries! I’ve seen good prices before, and the market didn’t move very far. This is one of the biggest movers among currency pairs. I entered at 12:17am for the 11am expiry. I’m doing a strangle. My two strikes are only 100 pips apart, both around 50 pips from the indicative!!! On average, this pair moves over 100 pips during the London session AND the US session. Am I dreaming? Are the prices this great on most nights with no news? There actually is some US news coming out at 10am. I can’t wait to see how this ends. I REALLY can’t wait to see if the prices will be about the same range in the days to follow. I don’t see why not. They should stay consistent… BTW, I have my T.P. orders set at 63 and 37, trying to take around $30 or so per contract.

Ok, what in the world is going on??? I just did a little more research & I don’t see the USD/CHF moving very far in the last several days. Are these images someone’s idea of a joke? Where are the 100+ pip moves? We’ve hit the open of the London AND US markets, and I’m hearing crickets. There better be some 200-point moves to balance this out. Otherwise, someone owes an explanation for these images. Look at the USD/CHF. These are averages. I expected AT LEAST a 50 pip move in one direction!

The news on APEX website stated to “be aware” of the event. If you’d have checked Forex Factory, this news event was deemed “medium effect” at best. Your 11AM expiry may have been your downfall because just before 11AM ET until noon ET, USDCHF moved up about 53 pips. Whenever I trade spreads, I always go for the end of day expiry… just my personal preference.

Thanks for the reply. I did notice it moved up quite a bit after 11. I’m doing OTM binaries. Those images I uploaded say that the USD/CHF moves over 100 pips on average during the London session & then again during the US session. I had all but one hour covered from the London session. I don’t like the prices for the binaries & spreads beyond 11am. I’m trying to get in dirt cheap. I really thought I had found something when these images were telling me that forex pair moves really far on average & Nadex had cheap prices for their binaries & spreads. I thought maybe Nadex made a mistake with their pricing. I knew it was too good to be true.