Bad luck Or?


I’m at a loss. I have followed the rules to an T ,and still losing consistently. Every time I get in it switches directions or time runs out on my contract and then heads in the right direction. Anybody else having this problem?


What system/ strategy are you using? Take screenshots of charts with entries and we can better help you. Post them here or in the rooms. Are you trading binaries or futures? Go to the appropriate room Nadex pit for binaries and Elite room for futures. Ask questions in there. There are plenty of people that are willing and able to help, just need a little more info…

Happy trading!!! Brad

p.s. Don’t give up, there are plenty of people here who were having difficulties, and it was only one or two minor tweaks and they were good to go and making money…


If its every time… then just do the opposite and you will win every time… Reality is its not every time so lets dig deeper :slight_smile:

We need a lot more info. Followed what rules to a T. On What system. On What cotracts. At What times. Need screenshots trades etc… all posted. Have you reviewed the forums here with the tips to help you.

Have you been invovled in the trading pit to help you?

You don’t know what you don’t know until someone who does know sees what you don’t know and tells you.

Small tweeks like DCA said can make massive differences.


Hey Darrell,

Can you explain what is DCA and what kind of impact it will have on 5 min binaries?


T0bzzz23 - My name is Brad, but my screen name is DCA… sorry for the confusion. I personally have no impact on 5 min binaries!!!:wink:

But, I have traded 5 min binaries in the past, and found them a good profitable vehicle to trade. You have to be absolutely, absolutely sure you are following the rules to a T. Any deviation from them is going to have a bad effect on your account. Demo, demo, demo until it is muscle memory and you can spot the setup and enter the trade automatically. Jump in the NADEX pit and watch them call trades and follow along in demo… it is great training.

Happy trading!!! Brad


Here is today’s chart on the EURUSD 5min. Same thing, followed the flip rules to the T and got hosed again. This is killing me. The trade I took is the color box. I got in and took a sell at 1.0875 otm put a TP around $15. It came down to 1.0874 right after my contract expired, then shot right back up. This seems to happen to me every time.


Also who can I contact at nadex to get my demo account reset? I got it reset for a year before, but forgot who to contact or if they will even reset it again.


Jay - follow this link “” to correctly post charts: We want to help but can’t see your charts.

Here “” is the link on steps to extend NADEX demo.

Happy trading!!! Brad




Jay - I am not a 5 min expert, but have traded them in the past. At a quick glance, I see more winners than losers. That being said, I would have probably switched from OTM to ATM/ITM because E/U had already moved over 1 deviation. If you can mark the chart where you took trades, what strikes you selected and at what price and what your T/P was, then someone that is much more knowledgeable than me will get back to you. Also, jump in the NADEX Pit. Those people are really good at this stuff as they trade them all the time… Hope this helps.

Happy trading!!! Brad


Hi Brad, I posted what the trade was in post # 6 on this thread. I just figured out how to post that chart. Thanks for your help. Jay


What are your trades associated with the chart. Are the itm otm atm? What distance is yoir strike from The market when entered? Where are you setting your take profit?


The trade I took is the color box. I got in and took a sell at 1.0875 otm put a TP around $15. It came down to 1.0874 right after my contract expired, then shot right back up. This seems to happen to me every time.


The link does not work please see the general forum for how to use the insert image button So we can help.


i did what it said in that link. when i click on the link in #14 reply it opens up the chart. So here it is again. it has the png at the end of the URL.


A few tips

Use the expected range indicator not the classic one. But the one with the lower portion.

A tip I have learned…Focus on 5 min bar periods where the next range will be larger or is at least within a few ticks of the last one. If it shrinks wait for the next 5 minutes and wait till one is back at 150% larger than the smallest period Before tge last large period. You can even see larger periods in advance as it shows yoj the range of the next 5 minutes.

On your chart you can see the expected range was a lot smaller.

You mention every time but the trade right before thaf had a mich larger period and was profitable in both directions.

Also be mindful of news. There was medium impact eu announcement at 7:30 with a larger period and the period shrunk right after that.

Reasoning: you know in advance your about to enter a lower volatility 5 min period.


Thanks Darrell, I would ever known to look for that.


I loaded the 3tick chart when setting up my chart and that was the expected range indicator. when I right click on the chart and choose indicators, it brings up my list and under my list it shows apex diagnostic expected range03. Is this not the right one? As for expected ranges I can add to the chart; it gives me a couple to choose from. Such as, apex diagnostic expected range, apex diagnostic expected range (classic), expected range(classic)channels. Which one should I choose?


The apex diagnostic expected range03 is the correct one for the template. The problem is in the settings in the template.

Notice the color is transparent. That is why you can not see it . It should be in panel 6.

Here is a screenshot of just the indicator showing the colors when you add it to a chart ( not in a template ).

Here is a screenshot of just the indicator. The arrow is pointing to where you change the time and from high to low or close to close.

The apex diagnostic expected range (classic) is a 4 minute volume indicator that is used in boomerang. It will show in a panel below the chart. The expected range (classic) channels are used to set the high to low and close to close channels that you see on the chart. You can also set the time ( 5, 20, 60, minutes ) for whatever you need.

You may find it better if you build you own template.