I am trying to utilize the bar sizer indicator as demonstrated in the videos. However, after I create a new daily chart and add the bar size indicator the box with the sizes does not show up as seen in the screenshot below. I have tried looking at the indicator properties, but nothing in there makes it appear. Any help is appreciated.
The bar sizer won’t work on time based bars. It works for diagnostic and shadow bars.
That is the video that I was following along with. It has you open a daily chart and add the bar sizer indicator just to get the numbers. Then open up your diagnostic bar charts and enter those numbers.
Actually I was thinking about the bar range indicator. Sorry for the confusion.
I submitted a support ticket on this over the weekend; it’s with the developer. You might want to send one yourself to let them to let them know it’s not just me that wants it!
The bar sizer should absolutely work on daily bars. In fact, that’s how we suggest using them in the training. I will get with the developer and see what’s going on here, as I’m easily able to replicate the issue. Maybe we can have this corrected by our next toolkit update.