15:48:48 {skyace173_-Jason} ym 11-18 - skyace173’s library 15:51:04 {skyace173-Jason} DM can you check if I make any mistake? 15:51:05 {fbogdanov-Fred} Disconnected 11/18/2013. 15:51:34 {fbogdanov-Fred} (Ver:8.00.008) Connected 11/18/2013 [Encryption Active!]. 15:53:03 {dee123-_Dee} Disconnected 11/18/2013. 15:54:53 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} 11.18.2013-15.54.30 - ApexInvesting’s library http://screencast.com/t/vOshBMOc7H
15:54:57 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} early trade 15:54:59 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} then pre 9 am trade 15:55:07 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} whre profitable 15:55:10 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} the first one (stephen I etc… like to see the bar actually close in the direction we are entering on (not a requirement) but it helps avoid buying right as the dang thang reverse 15:55:42 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} on a bmx - if it misses being a bmx by a tick 15:55:52 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} and closes down 2 bars… feel free to act like its a bmx 15:56:00 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} its sitting right at the +.5 dev level 15:56:06 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} it bouned off it 3 x 15:56:12 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} (triple top reversal) 15:56:15 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} also there was a gap in progress 15:56:23 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} all the other indices had filled their gap 15:56:34 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} was waiting on ym (expecting at some point in the day for it to fill its gap 15:57:08 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} yellowpip (steve) mentioned the gap fills and waiting on YM to do its thing - around 10:04 - as did Brian 15:57:30 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} when gaps fill they often bounce or chop - though don’t usually reverse 15:57:56 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} so I would be hesitant to add on a buy on a gap fill (that long right after we came within ticks of settlment 15:58:01 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} and I would be hesistant to add on shorts after a gap fill at settlment at end of day 15:58:16 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} add in that you are getting velocity bars in both directions up and down bars 15:58:26 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} market is having a hard time finding committed buyers in either direction 15:58:42 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} I’m sorry I know a lot of this is style - but these lessons will be invaluable in helping you 15:58:53 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} also this is why I like to trade multiple instruments 15:59:00 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} one can oftencover the other etc… 15:59:06 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} but you have to get it down on one first 15:59:42 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} so summary for repetitive (verusus “only darrell” can see that in hindsight Laughing out loud ! 15:59:44 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} would be 15:59:56 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} A) personally I like to actually have the bar close and buy a tick above it (ie on 3 ticks - I buy a tick above the close (which will be the high if the bar reverses) (your first loss) 16:00:26 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} you could call this using 4 ticks instead of 3 etc… 16:00:40 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} but I just see it hitting my entry price 3 ticks above e and now waiting on it to close that bar in the direction to enter 16:00:57 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} I often still get the 3 ticks 16:01:02 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} as the maretk flucutates some (using limit) 16:01:44 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} Lesson B) market has hit the deviation level (ie .5 3x (and 4 more time came close to it)) this is obvious resistance and you shoujld expect the market to have a hard time breaking through 16:01:16 {william136_-William} (Ver:8.00.008) Connected 11/18/2013 [Encryption Active!]. 16:02:05 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} Lesson C) you see a bmx in progress but it misses being a bmx by 1 tick 16:02:12 {william136-William} Disconnected 11/18/2013. 16:02:51 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} and you had the triple bounce off the deviation level with it ecspecially) thats a good clue to either move to breakeven or just act like its a bmx - stephen calls this a barely missed barely missed bmx 16:02:56 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} when its only a couple ticks off and has repeatedly hit a level and is right at a deviation level 16:03:10 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} Lesson D) be aware of gaps on indices 16:03:19 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} they usually fill 16:03:22 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} all 3 other indices had filled their gaps 16:03:27 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} ym was the only one yet to accomplish this 16:03:37 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} that gave more confidence to the BMX (it may even make you hesitant to go long at all to begin with 16:03:54 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} when gaps fill 16:03:57 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} the market often bounces off them and chops 16:04:07 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} settlment is the most powerlful level 16:04:16 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} its like a big magnet 16:04:24 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} so when markets are filling gaps make sure your going towards it 16:04:33 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} not against it 16:04:36 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} and when it gets there - let it do its thing 16:04:43 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} get out of chop and set a trend and then go with it 16:04:58 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} the later in the day this happens the more likely there is to be chop after the gap fill 16:05:25 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} Lesson E) If you see velocity bars closing in the opposite direction of each other 16:05:30 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} up bar velocity 16:05:32 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} then down bar velocity 16:05:36 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} the market can find commmitted traders and orders 16:05:43 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} that bar took less than 1 second to form 16:05:50 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} up and down 16:05:53 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} expect chop 16:05:55 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} just get out of the way 16:06:13 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} The above is a bit advanced but I hope it helps 16:06:34 {skyace173-Jason} yes defintely… 16:06:46 {Stephen} <> 16:07:25 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} Laughing out loud ! 16:07:29 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} style really helps you excel 16:07:29 {skyace173-_Jason} lucky I able to learn it now before goin live 16:07:36 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} definitely wise thing to do its the 1 degree of difference 16:07:45 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} I hate and love teaching it 16:07:49 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} to me its the fun stuff 16:08:02 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} but I do everything I can to explain it well enough that it can be repeated 16:08:05 {Darrell_Diagnostic_Trading} versus subjective in the beholders eye
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