Best system trading the news?

Hello there

1- Which is the best way to trade the news with binaries? I supose is doing straddles during huge important news like NFP, using touch options or ladder

2- Using nadex, Which is the most profitable strategy with real results? What I have to do?

Please, keep it simple,


news trading is better with spreads (straddles) than with binaries (strangles) - to see how to do this see the straddles and strangles on news video on this page [URL=“Please login”]

nadex does not have “touch” they are not a bucketshop - however what nadex does let you do is get out - ie a binary will be worth approx $50 (less bid/ask spread) 47/53 when the market hits the OTM strike - and you can set a take profit order in advance to get you out - this is like a “touch option” but better

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