Best Time to trade from Europe with Apex systems

I live in Europe and I work all the Day. I can trade only at night (in Europe) that matches at noon in US (ET).

Therefore my ideal trade time would be from 12.00 PM (ET) to 16.00 PM (ET).

I would trade on Nadex, binary or spread. Do you have any suggestion on what instrument (FX, Indices,…) to trade and with witch Apex system (until now my preferred systems are SEES and Binary hunter,…)?


NQ (US Tech 100) does offer some trades in the afternoon. Pull up a chart and back test it with the replay data during the hours you would like to trade and it will give you an idea of what it does in the afternoons.

Most of the Commodity markets are coming close to the end of their day around time. I would check out US Indices as Dave suggested , maybe check out NQ and YM Currencies at times maymove slower in the afternoons but sometimes still have some moves especially if there is some news. So during the afternoon maybe choose two Indices and 2 FX pairs to focus on I agree, do some backtesting to see which best fits your needs and style

daveim, here are a few trades from this afternoon on the US Indices.

Thank you for your help. I back tested and I saw some trends but they are very slow. What do you thing about? It’s better to trade with Nadex spreads and wait 45-50 minutes to reach 20-30 ticks or with ATM binaries and after a few ticks go out with 15-20$ profit? This is was I noticed, I know that the binaries are all or nothing and they need a perfect risk management… maybe I need more patience and trade only with spreads! Next week I will trade in demo and put some charts in the forum. Thank you again.

The afternoons are slower. Binaries are way to risky for me I would stick with spreads.