I should preface that I’m new to Nadex (and new to Apex), and had this grand idea of trading early in the morning from 4:30 to 6:30 AM PST (7:30 to 9:30 EST) before my job. While I’ve had some success, I’ve been reluctant to enter a lot of trades because all of the bid asks spreads are about $25, so the indicative really needs to move in order for me to secure profit.
Is this characteristic of early morning before the markets open, or does this vary day by day? Anyone else trying to trade these hours that are dealing with this? I appreciate any and all input.
Normally the spreads are $.25 to $10.00 (average about $4.00 to $5.00) depending on the market. There was a data center update this weekend and there where connectivity issues this morning causing market maker and other order placement connectivity issues. You are wise if you see spreads wide on any market (ie $25.00 et… ) on Nadex or otherwise to standback. Its rare but exchanges do occasionally have issues. All bid ask spreads and all contracts are returned to normal now same day.
I could give you dozens of links on CME, NYSE, NASAQ, multiple exchanges from outages over the past couple years. This happens its rare usually short lived and exchanges take it seriously. Nadex got on it and resolved it.
In our trading pit this morning i told people to go eat breakfast and enjoy it then start back up after the issues are resolved.
Thanks, it’s good to hear those issues are more the exception than the rule. I did log on later this morning and noticed spreads were normal–like you said, it was just in the early morning.