
Have questions about binaries? Feel free to post them here for any ideas, comments, strategies, or questions you want to discuss.

Please start discussions on new topics with a new thread.

The August 2012 Binary core trade results were unbelievable? How did July & Sept perform? Do you have the same summaries on those months? The August 2012 Summaries were very detailed and I have never seen such steep equity curves with so little drawdown! Almost too good to be true.

Is it possible to take a Quick US500 Gap trade (if your parameters are met) and then potentially get into a 11am Core trade? Potentially putting our trading capital to work both ways in the same trading day?

Thanks Darrell - Tom

We are putting together the September numbers and should have them up in a few days… September started a little rough with all the new Fed programs releasing more QE but then quickly picked back up…

You can do US 500 Gap trades and other index equities but there are only 4 out out 14 possible gap trade setups that are worth taking and there must be enough distance… We will also be implementing these with the P3 signals soon…we have implemented other intraday trades, straddle trades, deviation reversals and more…We also implement hedges on existing trades (i.e. today we had a long USD/CAD but put on a hedge for a low risk and not only made back the money on the long USD that was lost with the short hedge but also made additional profit as well)…Each week the P3 signals get more involved…we have the core trades consistently but are adding more trades as a bonus that are not even mentioned on the P3 signal page -we like to deliver more than promised :slight_smile:

Thank you Darrell for all you do for us traders!

Hi Darrell - what would you recommend for general money management rules on a binary account when trading these daily 9:30am and 11am core trades? Would it be safe to devote say 10% of total account balance to the very next trade that placed? And what about simultaneous core trades being put on at the same time? Still 10% each? I know everyone has different risk tolerances and whether or not they want to be that aggressive or not, but I am just trying to keep from blowing up my account if things get a little rough like you stated on how Sept started out. Just trying to run some numbers on a compounding basis on a projected account balance if the going gets rough…as in a series of loosing trades. Thanks

Hi Darrell - under P3 Signals on home page link under a sub-titled question: How Much Money Do I Need To Place These Trades? You stated: “To place every single bonus trade in the month of August, 2012 the most capital needed on any given day to place every trade would have been (bonus is 65% to 69.4% historical winning %: with exchange fees)” Isn’t the dollar amount missing? Thanks!

Hi Bronson,

Great questions. I have udpated the September and October numbers in teh equity curve and trade logs.

Please see “” for the most current results and details on the signals

You would need approx $250 in your account. We recommend having $500+ in your account If you are going to do the equalized risk (same risk each day) we recommend having $500 to $1000 in your account. See updated page on this example. This is one of the best methods as you don’t have 1 day that wins with 1 signal on 1 contract and then one day that loses with 3 signals. By equalizing risk each day then it easily helps it balance out. If you did this method than the “rough” part of September did not faze you as in 1 day you made up what you lost on another day. 8 out of the last 45 days on the Core 11 AM signals thus far have been profitable.

The core trades are focused on 11 AM ET as the results for entries at this time have been great compared to all other times. These are simply put on at 11 AM ET and hold to expiration. Results are on P3 Signal page.

In addition we have now added Gap trades, Straddle Trades, Deviation trades, Intraday Trades, and more these have been even more effective than the “bonus” trades and are bit more interactive which is something that has been requested by subscribers for additional timed signals during the day. These additional trades are included for free with the Core P3 signals.

Thanks Darrell,

Have you, or are you in the future, going to consider other asset classes to trade in the binaries for additional signals? What about the hourly binaries for additional trades per day? Too much risk?

Who takes the other side of our trade at binary brokers in general? Especially in the case of no other traders available to take the other side of our trade? If it is the broker themselves? and if you start to win a little “too” much, can they shut your trading down or start to give a hard time or “monkey around” with your funds? Especially when it is time to withdraw your money?

Who independently rates, reviews or researches binary brokers in general?

Thanks Darrell

At this time we are just focusing on

US 500, Wall Street 30, Small Cap 2000, US Tech 100, Nikkei, FTSE, Dax, Corn, Soybeans, Oil, Natural Gas, Silver, Gold, Copper, EUR/USD, GBP/USD, AUD/USD, EUR/JPY, GBP/JPY, USD/JPY, USD/CHF, USD/CAD

This is quite a few markets and keeps us pretty busy. There are some other binaries etc… out there but they are not exchange based etc… and their risk and reward is nothing like on Nadex and IG.

The hourly binaries can be fun to trade but they for more active trading. Doing them on a simple signal system would well make the system more complex. That being said we do have intraday trades occasionally on shorter term binaries when we see a good setup that we can get out to traders in advance.

[quote=bronson1017]Thanks Darrell,

Have you, or are you in the future, going to consider other asset classes to trade in the binaries for additional signals? What about the hourly binaries for additional trades per day? Too much risk?[/quote]

Depends on who you trade with…

Are you trading with a reputable company or with a bucket shop.
Others are not actively regulated by someone that I would put my faith in…

Below I talk about the two reputable places to trade binaries.

If you trade with Nadex there is no “broker” taking the other side of the trade. Nadex is an exchange. They offer you anonymity to the counter party so they do not know if you are getting in or getting out, if you are winning or losing.

The below applies to Nadex:

To see more on this topic watch the video why nadex here: “”

So if Nadex is not doing it then who is…? is the next question. Either other traders or a market maker. Market makers are basically large traders with computer systems built in for laying off risk. The market maker has to put up the risk capital to cover the risk in the trades.

The two reasons for the bid/ask spread on a binary are to 1) so the market maker can make money for taking the opposite side of a trade 2) to give the market maker some time to lay off the risk. The market maker desires mostly to make bid/ask spread not be on opposing trades. If they wanted to just be on the opposite side of trades they would not have to be a market maker.

The market maker does not know if you are winning or losing as they don’t know it is you at all.

The big benefit of having an exchange is they want you to trade as much as you can as they only make money when trades happen on the exchange fees.

Also the exchange has the bank account where your funds are held in a segregated account. The market maker has no access to your funds and the market maker cannot withdrawal money from your account, close your account, and other things.

Nadex is the only CFTC registered binary exchange in the world.

That being said if someone wants to trade binaries outside the US and is not a US resident then the binary price ladders at IG Index are awesome and almost identical to Nadex’s binaries. IG is a publicly traded company on the FTSE, a member of the London Stock Exchange, owns Nadex, and IG makes over 9 figures a year in profits so it is a very solid company.

I can give you a whole right up on a variety of binary brokers…in the end the result is don’t trade with them

This video goes over the top 10 things…click here: “” also another big issue is the binary broker bonuses and commissions Many binary brokers pay big commissions like 20% of deposited funds (so they are literally taking 20% of your money and paying it out the second you deposit it to whomever referred you.

Another big issue with most bucket shops is the bonuses - most brokers the second you sign a bonus contract you can not get a single cent of your deposit out until you have trade 10, 20 or 30x that amount of money out. So say you put in 1,000. You would have to have 30,000 in trades to withdrawal any money from your original 1,000 deposit.


[quote=bronson1017]Who takes the other side of our trade at binary brokers in general? Especially in the case of no other traders available to take the other side of our trade? If it is the broker themselves? and if you start to win a little “too” much, can they shut your trading down or start to give a hard time or “monkey around” with your funds? Especially when it is time to withdraw your money?

Who independently rates, reviews or researches binary brokers in general?

Thanks Darrell[/quote]

[quote=bronson1017]Who takes the other side of our trade at binary brokers in general? Especially in the case of no other traders available to take the other side of our trade? If it is the broker themselves? and if you start to win a little “too” much, can they shut your trading down or start to give a hard time or “monkey around” with your funds? Especially when it is time to withdraw your money?

Who independently rates, reviews or researches binary brokers in general?

Thanks Darrell[/quote]


This seems like the right place for this question. Forgive me if my search did not come up with an adequate answer.

Upon reviewing your P3 signals breakdown you mention a “maximum $250 dollar a day” risk.

Are you stating we should never risk more than $250 dollars on any one or combination of contracts and signals? Could you expound on this?

What if i am wishing to compound my money? eventually I will reach the $250 dollar a day risk mark and surpass it. For example if I was to say use a certain % of my trading capital for maximum risk.

Also, what do you recommend for a compounding strategy with Binary options?

Thank you, Keep up the excellent work!


The best place to post p3 signal questions is in the help desk.

I am not saying the max risk should be $250 a day. On the example i am showing using a consistent maximum risk of $250 a day. The key is a consistent level of risk each day. I am assuming you are taking off the profits when available and withdrawing them consistently.

After you have recovered all initial capital (i.e. say $2500 is in account and you have made that much or more and withdrawn it) - then after that withdrawal half - when you have doubled your account on the remaining half then you could double your size etc…

To compound profits you need to have a standard of % of account at risk to dollars at risk (above example is 10% of account size at risk) - Some may risk 20% etc… or even more… The big thing is not risking more than you can afford to lose and more than you can easily recoup through other income means (ie if in full time job - never ore than a weeks paycheck etc…)

The more % of your account you risk the more it hurts psychologically when you lose to give you the confidence to take the next trade. Then you don’t take the next trade it wins, don’t take the next one it wins, finally fed up you take the next one it looses etc… You want to break this cycle asap.

The ideal goal is to get eventually to just 1% at risk but most traders account sizes are not big enough to begin with to do this (the reason being if you lose 1% of your account it has little to no effect on your psychology in trading so you will take multiple trades that lose and keep trading as you know you can make it back and be okay)

The first milestone to achieve is 1/20th of account size (5%) i.e. if risking $50 - having $1,000 if risking $250 having $5,000 - note this is a milestone you are trying to get to - and ideally to keep decreasing the % risk of your account until you are at 5% then 2 % then 1 % as it grows in size. (hence the leaving half of profits in your account so your account can grow and you can decrease risk % of account while increasing position size). Its not an overnight strategy…it is a trading for a living strategy


Thank you for the reply! I will use the help desk from now on.

No worries. We check help desk first just to ensure a more timely response for active customers. And check forum daily and answer all questions.


I do not understand the P3 signals in my Twitter. How to use it? Pls reply

Post any request for help on P3 signals in the help desk. As we check the help desk throughout the day and can post back and forth pretty fast. Also we have chat and phone if still lost. Help desk is best so we can lay out any specific answers to specific issues you may have.

Have you reviewed the tutorials: (updated with more information on gap fill trades based on some questions posted in the help desk).

Could you provide a numerical example of what this might look like? I never have had much skill with math-word problems. Maybe this old Marine has taken a few too many cracks to the dome? Either way, if you could spell it out for me, I would appreciate it. Thank you so much!

put in $2000 as initial deposit Each week withdrawal profits (if any that is above the initial $2,000 balance) Once you have withdrawan $2,000 - and put it into savinge etc… Now you are trading with profits versus original capital Now each week withdrawal 1/2 profits each week (if any that is above the balance at the beginning of each week) Once your account after all withdrawals has grown to $4,000 (double the initial balance) then you can double your size If it shrinks below 4k then lower it back to the original… as long as above 4k you can do 2x the original Repeat when it hits 8k after all withdrawals - double size again etc…

Hi Darrell,

What about potentially entering a daily binary straddle (in a flat market or range bound market) when your daily deviation level is neutral or at zero - and then just take profits on both sides when the market pricing swings up and down across the straddle strike price? Could that generally be a profitable strategy? Seems to me that you would have to get closer to expiration and have the market swing both ways in order for it to be profitable overall.

Or, is swing trading the binaries with your reversal strategies using your daily deviation levels, apex strategy, pivots, fibs, etc., the way to go for more consistent profits?

How about a strangle type strategy in a choppy price or volatile type market? - your total entry cost & risk would be much less but the market would really have to be moving up and down across your strangle strikes to get some good profit taking going - especially nearing the strangle expirations.

And, in the 3 strageties listed above (if they in fact work!), would the daily binary trades or the 2-hour binary trades work best?

Just trying to come up with a consitently profitable binary strategy to utilize for additional income
