Binary Butterfly: Strategy for Flat Markets

By Darrell Martin

The possibility of having profitable trades even in flat markets has been presented in previous articles. This article will show step by step how to combine both buying and selling of two in the money, (ITM) binary option contracts. The strategy is known as a Binary Butterfly and is an effective strategy to capitalize on flat or channeling markets.

When a market has been trading sideways and there is no foreseen reason that the market pricing will change, then it’s time to bring out your butterfly net.

The idea is to capitalize on both legs instead of only one leg when the markets are flat. You sell a binary strike that is above the current underlying market and buy a binary strike that is below the same current underlying market. As long the underlying market expires between the 2 strikes, you will collect the settlement payout on both strike legs of the trade.

Assume it’s lunchtime, when the markets often slow down, and you notice that the USD/CHF market has flattened slightly. It has been trading between the (0.9665) and (0.9672) levels for the past 2 hours. Using the butterfly strategy, you’re looking for 2 strikes above and below those levels within the time expiration period of the binary.

Checking the available strikes for the USD/CHF, you find that the higher strike >0.9680 is just above the current trade range and can be sold at 22.50. The lower strike >0.9660 lies below the current trading range trade and can be bought for 71.75.

The initial cost of this strategy is higher because both binary position legs are already in the money when initiating the trade. Selling the USD/CHF > 0.9680 at the 22.50 trade price will cost $77.50 per contract (100 – 22.50). That is your maximum trade risk if the underlying market trades higher. The USD/CHF > 0.9660 bought at the 71.75 trade price has an initial cost of $71.75 per contract, which is your maximum risk if the underlying market trades lower. So the combined cost of both legs is $149.25.

If successful at expiration, you can receive two settlement payouts of $100/contract each for a combined profit of $50.75. You get that payout as long as the underlying is still trading between the upper strike of $22.50 and the lower strike of $28.25.

One thing to remember about this strategy is that if you hold it till expiration, one of the position legs will always finish in the money, meaning you will always receive at least $100 settlement at expiration with the possibility of a total of $200.

(Note:Exchange fees are not included in calculations above)


I am new to apex and trading community. I watch all the videos and successfully installed ninja trader. I am interested in 5min binaries and currently demo trade the method 1 and 2 using the basic rules. At the time where i am available for trading (typically 9-10 PM CT), the time bar is far above 3min for the 4 pairs, and i simply cannot enter any trade under the specified rule. Since i cannot change my schedule right now, I am looking for a flat market strategy that is efficient in 5min binaries.

In this case, i buy or sell itm binary for 75$ (risk) by placing an order on the lowest (buy) or highest (sell) strike price available. Most of the time, the order never take place because the price didnt fluctuate enough, but when it does, it is profitable. On rare occasion there is a unexpected large price variation that drive my reward at 0. I would love to put a stop loss mechanism (around 45$) but i have the feeling i am chasing the market crazy. I heard a bout the butterflies strategies as a way to conceptually put a stop loss on the trade (at least one leg will be rewarded at 100$) but i was not able to get both side when i demo trade it today.

Bottom line: I am looking for a strategy (system) for flat market in the evening for 5min binaries. Does any of the APEX tool would be helpful?


Drzed, Yes sometimes at that time of night you may see the markets have slowed down a little and the bar timer taking longer. For trading 5 minute binaires at that time I would suggest that you use the 5 Min Binary Sharpshooter system. It is a great risk /rewards and easier to get into with good pricing and at a slower pace.

Sometimes you can get butterflies to work on 5 minute binaries but you may not always find the right pricing that you need and yes they can move pretty fast in price. To make butterflies work you have to be able to get out of one side if it reaches the strike and be able to get out right away. You can also use the Stop Trigger function for this. But i would suggest you focus on the Sharpshooter system if you are going to trade 5 minute binaries. The other thing you can do with limited trading time is to place iron condor trades at night and use the Stop trigger for that as well. if you go to the news trading plan tab of the Apex website you will see videos underneath it for iron condors as well as trade plans listed directly on the news Trade Plan Calendar