Bull Spread and Underlying instrument?

Hello Darrell,

  1. How many ticks difference between Nadex current market price and the price of the underlying instrument? The reason I’m asking is I’m trying to match them so I can set profit target and stop loss to the tick when doing Bull spread and looking at the actual chart on Ninja Trader.
  2. When doing stop loss I have to use Tear off ticket price and watch because if I open that stop loss position straight away, it will take out my current opened position. Correct?

Please advise. Thank you.

hello, I have a question and I couldn’t find the answer in the help section

Darrell mentioned in one of his spread video assets that were good for low accounts and assets that were good for high leverage account … f.e. us 500 + corn + soy beans is high leverage and the lower leverage are tech100 + silver + copper now what I would like to know how do you rank Dax30, FTSE, nikkei, oil ussmall wall street and gold? I’m sorry if this is the wrong room but I didn’t know where to post it

  1. This is defined as proximity and is what is listed on the spread scanner. This number will change as time passes and premium changes. This is an option on the underlying market. If you want to set a stop or take profit based on the ninja chart use the Stop Trigger to initiate an exit for loss or profit.

  2. Not if you use the stop trigger function. Please review the tutorials on the scanner under the scanner tab on the main site: http://apexinvesting.net/

US Tech 100 has now changed to being $1.00 per .1 move for a $10 per point move. It used to be $1.00 per 1.00 move.

Really any of the spreads will work for smaller accounts (ie $500 or so).

The ones with really low leverage like copper silver ftse dax are okay to learn on but you will want to make more and will be a bit frustrated as they wont make or lose much. You will probably be happier with NQ or Gold etc…