When using the scanner how does one narrow which trades to enter since they appear then disappear. Or once an opportunity appears do you just enter and ride it out?
If they appear then disappear then you need to widen you paramaters.
ie say you are using 70-80 for risk for premium collection expand it to 65 to 95 - this will still narrow down the binaries while helping to keep binaries in view when they go outside the range by a few dollars…
once your in you don’t really monitor it from the scanner you go to nadex (in the future hopefully in the next few months) we will have a window where you can monitor open and working orders directly on a floating screen on the scanner but for now after entered you go to nadex to manage it.
Ok, I understand that but how do you narrow down what trades you want to execute since the prices are changing constantly. For example when you post a trade or trades late in the day what justifies taking them over all the others shown on the scanner?
Still not sure what you mean. I choose my trades based on various paramaters.
Of course they constantly change but they don’t disappear from the scanner unless they go out side my filters. If they do then they are not the right binary - ie if i binary is at 80 to buy - and disappears at it now cost 99 and i can only make a dollar i don’t want that binary so I don’t want it on the scanner.
I choose the strategy i want to implement
ie Expiration Premium Collection, Butterflies before/after news, Trend trading premium collection with the Apex Elite System, Directional after news or before news with apex elite system
Once I’ve narrowed it down to what strategy i want to use. I then look at the charts to make my decisions. Once I have made my decision I have my filters put into the scanner and it is easy to make the selection.
I use the same method i teach others about premium collection. I am watching my elite diagnostic bars 8 ema on them confirming on 5 minutes as well looking at market noise and time and sales.
Posted 2 more in p3 today both profitable - also did some other ones and made a killing today Love doing these.
Feel free to subscribe to p3 signals and ask more in the chat room. We went 11 for 11 last week and we do a ton of premium collection trades.