Choppy Market Warning Chart

When there is a gap in the implied volatility as pointed out in the chart posted; does that mean that there is going to be a down ward trend or is it just a change in the current trend of the Diagnostic Price Alert chart?

Choppy Market Warning Chart - Timfave’s library

Thanks Tim H

As I understand it, the choppy market warning indicator should be used only during US RTH (at least on US markets). And, as I understand it, when there’s “divergence” in the two lines (different colors), it means there’s no trend or direction.

That would not be a gap - a gap is a lack of price quotation

This is a divergence.

If the colors change red and green that is a chop warning

If they are different AND the are going in different directions (divergence) that is even a stronger choppy warning.

I prefer to use Blue and Yellow like I show on the style screen in the trading room better than use green and red so your not thinking up and down - as the direction is not the focus - the focus is implied volatility not lining up with market trend.

This is not a “trend indicator” it is a choppy market warning indicator

Thank you very much for all of your helpful insights. Tim