Chrome Web Store "An error has ocurred" Network Failed

NETWORK_FAILED error for the Auto Nadex Extension in the Chrome Webstore. Some of our users have been experiencing this issue lately, and it’s a result of Google changing their framework. To fix this error, just uninstall and re-install chrome, then reboot your computer for the policy changes to take effect. If you’re interested, more details are below.


"Google Chrome or Google Chrome Frame cannot be updated on account of inconsistent Google Update Group Policy settings. Use the Group Policy Editor to set the update policy override for the Google Chrome Binaries application and try again.”

The Google Chrome and Chrome Frame executable packages were renamed in Chrome 13, which would normally cause Google Update to not respect your auto-update group policy settings. The error above was introduced to prevent existing installations of Google Chrome or Google Chrome Frame from auto-updating despite your existing Google Update group policy settings. As of Chrome 13, automatic updates for Google Chrome and Google Chrome Frame are performed on the basis of the update policy override setting for the application named Google Chrome Binaries. This is not a new application; it’s just a renaming of the Google Chrome and Chrome Frame products so auto-updates to both products can be controlled together."

If you click the menu in Chrome and click About, you’ll see and error under the version number that might read “Update Failed” or “Group Policy error” or something similar.