Clarification; Is Ninja Trader required in all cases?

Darrell quote from a previous thread… Understanding whether I will eventually need Ninja Trader.

If I am content with and learning (via Apex) how to solely trade Nadex with profitability, do I need Ninja Trader? I love the scanners and bought a PC for them. It seems there is plenty to learn here. I have already a TD Ameritrade account and the Think or Swim live trading platform which came with the account. Lots of tools, indicators, etc. (most of which I don’t know how to use, YET). I pretty much use T or S to watch the live charts as I trade. (Still in Demo) However I am building up my live account with Nadex, so when I am ready I will have about 1,000 to begin. I feel there is plenty to be traded with Nadex and if i get to wanting to trade live futures, Forex, etc. I assume I can use my TD brokerage account for that. I am already qualified for Options stock trading, but don’t want to take the risk now. As I gain knowledge and confidence with Nadex trading, what do I need, actually from Apex Investing in the terms of paid membership that is not overlapping what I already have? When I am making a monthly profit capable of supporting an Elite membership, I am happy to do that. But is it necessary to have Ninja Trader to benefit? Thanks!

SOLAIRIS333 - Yes, you will need NinjaTrader if you want to use the Apex tools. They only work on NinjaTrader charts, not on TOS or any other platform. And in the final analysis, that’s why we are all here, to use the best trading tools available. What is Apex investing all about? Well it is alot of things including free education, a community of like minded traders who help each other, and of course the Nadex Scanner. But it is most importantly the source of the best available indicators to help you read charts and make money. These Apex indicators, like Order Prints, Trend Catcher, Deviation Levels, ICE Volume Levels, Expected Range, etc, etc are very simply the best available anywhere. BUT - they only work on NinjaTrader charts.