CME Futures High Frequency Trading Program

Darrel In the Elite Indicator Setup Video you mention something about a high frequency program on CME Futures that cost around two grand a month and made you about five grand a day but you almost got fined a lot of money for the program doing something wrong like putting in to many order or something. Can you go into more detail about that High frequency program and how and why you still use it today if you are using it anymore?

HFT is not allowed on futures markets. There is a ratio of orders submitted to filled that you must maintain on the futures market. If you exceed that ratio you can be fined. I got off with a warning. I did not know the rule existed. Due to this it can’t be used for this purpose. I built my own private formulas for the arbitrage. It is called the CQG Spreader. It is a program for spreading (ie buying and selling 2 markets at the same time when the price is off by x ratio etc…). Don’t try it.