I posted earlier about consistently losing with binaries, but now I think I’m on my way! I got Ninja Trader with the free Forex plugin; I didn’t get the futures plugin because one, I trade at night and there’s only one real index [MODERATOR EDIT - THIS IS A MISTAKE TO NOT GET FUTURES DATA YOU NEED FUTURES DATA TO GET VOLUME ON FOREX FUTURES TO USE ON SPOT FOREX]. Plus there’s some confusing stuff about having to get a trial that I’ll have to go back and review to understand.
The guy who recently posted about his extraordinary success with no experience, by simply watching the charts and trading, inspired me to not throw in the towel. But I stayed in demo.
My demo account got wiped out; (big wins, BIGGER losses)
Nadex said they’d been having problems with their platform all day; that’s why US indeces, if you might have noticed, were open well past 4:30. They also had a delay in resetting/replenishing my demo account. It only went through this morning.
So I had to go live last night. I finally got Ninja Trader setup, with the Forex plugin, and turned $70 into $200.
Then this morning I saw some stagnation with the GBP/USD and snagged another $50. Then before leaving for work this morning, I got greedy and tried the same binary (assuming it would stay below the level that expired in the money (by several points I might add!) Well, it took a 180, and I had to take a loss, putting me back at $200. Shows me to never try that again.
In fairness, I did get kind of smart about it; I went short on the increment 10 ticks up because I doubted it would go that high; it didn’t so I made out okay there. But the binary I based on my old assumption, disaster.
I’ll number my questions to make it easier, if you guys don’t mind helping me out with a little more insight.
- Is it common for an index/price/binary to just make a 180 like that after expiring?!
About Ninja Trader and the Forex charts,
The charts worked awesome for me. The index the feed shows seemed ahead of the Nadex indicative.
Is this the case? This morning, the trade that I lost, it would sit out of the money for like 20 minutes, not moving.
Why would this happen? My connection was fine.
The Forex plugin doesn’t seem to have every Forex pair that Nadex uses. Am I missing something here?
I’m having trouble, even seeing the chart of where things have been for the last 10 minutes or so, how do you really know where things are going to go? Especially when every 2-3 minuets something has gone back and forth 3 points?!
How can any kinds of signals really tell you this?
I’m a little concerned that I might have just had some dumb luck last night, though I felt like I was acting more like a real trader, being cognizant of trends, prices, and whether I should get out.
I found my binaries by using the watch list, expiring soon, even though Darrell advised against it. It was all I knew to do at the time; I need to get to learn the scanner.
How does it sounds I’m doing? Anything you would recommend as some next steps? It does feel awesome to have about 3X more in my account than I deposited last night. But I still do have some $500-$600 to make up!
Thanks again guys; I look forward to being around here for a while!
- Jacob