I tried to order the Commodity Trader’s Almanac 2014, but couldn’t find it anywhere. I finally talked to Wiley Publishers about it. Wiley Publishers have decided to not publish the Almanac anymore. There is not an online version and there is no way to petition to bring it back (I asked). Thought I would share if anyone else was looking for it…
That is unfortunate. The stock trader one is very useful and has the indices etc… You can still use the 2013 as the only thing dropping off is 1 stat/year. Also the commodity one has been a bit off with all the crazy govt stuff the last year probably leading to its decline in recent years since 2008.
I got the Stock Trader’s Almanac 2014, and there is a blurb in there that they have shifted the Commodity Trader’s Almanac to a quarterly E-book (to be more responsive).