
What computer system do i need for trading?

what kind of processor you got.

Take a look in this category: If you still have question, just ask.

Thank you. I just started looking at Trading. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do. I started at and watching videos on Binaries and spreads and started videos here at Apex under getting started. I’m in no rush really and I will start playing with the free Demo at Nadex. But there’s much to learn and I’m finding myself a little confused as to knowing how to put together strategies, system and style. Where to go first, second and so on. I guess its study, study study.

There is a lot of content on the site. Start by going to the main menu and looking under the “Elite Education” menu item. If you want to do Nadex, start with the spreads. Make sure you do the Nadex Spreads 101 course and learn the systems. SEES or IZSS are good ones to look at. Almost every Monday we do a live webinar for Nadex. The topics are posted in the event calendar you see when you log in. Those are very good for asking questions (on topic) and getting used to the terminology. Most of all, keep asking questions.