I have been opening new email accounts to get a renewal of my CQG futures data. It has been working the past few months but I am now not able to renew. Has this been working for everyone else? Or is it just me?
Heavenlee, it’s not just you. I’ve been having the exact same issue. Tried multiple times over the weekend to no effect. I’m hoping someone here at Apex has a solution.
Could it just not be able to be done over the weekend??
I just tried it a few minutes ago from 2 different email address. And within 7 minutes, I had new demo credentials both times.
Well, what do you know, it finally worked. I got the login credentials, yay! I have always done it during the weekend, maybe they changed something. Thanks, Matrix! Try it again, Plato.
Sometimes they take the demo system down for maintenance on weekends. Just try again when markets open the following sunday or sometimes monday.