Data Feed - IQ Feed for Live Futures Traders, Get News Feeds, True Unfiltered True Tick Stock, ETF, Equity, and Statistic Data (Free Trial)

FOREX UPDATE: IQ Feed now offers a FX Live and historical Data Feed for only $33 per month, use this link here:

REMINDER: ALWAYS Connect to Futures data feed FIRST, then connect to Forex data second!

Darrell Martin - Another tip I HIGHLY recommend to ANY trader trading LIVE futures is to use IQFeed. For data It provides sub-millisecond data and self- reconnects.

_Pays for itself in just a trade or two. In low volatility the impact is minimal but in high volatility which can happen constantly at open or sporadically like during news it can make a lot of $$$$$ difference.

Get Statistic, Stock, Equity Data

Important if you have futures and forex data or stock data do not set forex or stock data to connect on startup. First connect to futures data. When connected…Then connect to forex or stock data.


Get your free trial of at

Note IQ Feed also gives you the ability to get JINT.Z (Broad market index used for trading stock indices free with your subscription) [Highly recommended if you trade US Index Futures during 9:30 AM to 4:15 PM ET)

You can also add on for $5.00 the CBOE Volatility Indices for the choppy market warning indicator (not required).

The base stock exchange fees are very cheap

Dave Forss is dedicated to helping Apex Investing customers you can chat with him online go here: click sales chat or Call 800-475-4755 ext. 8429 or email him at [email protected]

Get a 2 week free trial:

They will NOT charge your card the trial will just end you have to tell them you want to renew.

You will get an email with a ussrname and password. Follow these directions:

After filling out the form download the client:

We have negotiated 2 discounts available for the APEX members with IQ Feed (Both include basic forex for free)

1 – Month-to-month plan iQFeed for $68 (down from $93)

Plus they will give you basic forex for free.– works out to a $25/month or about a 27% discount.

2 – Annual prepay plan for $652.80 (equivalent to $54.40/month) – saves $463.20 or 41% off of the full $93/month rate. What they are doing here is applying an additional 20% discount to the $68 X 12 rate while still including Forex at no additional charge.

Dave Forss 7:26 AM (5 hours ago) to me Hi Brett,

I see that right now you are on the IQFeed free trial. On the trial you signed up for delayed stocks and delayed futures and no Forex data. You can add real-time futures exchanges and real-time forex data to your trial if you want to.

After the trial, should you decide to subscribe, the rates will be:

The base IQFeed rate is $82/month + $20/month to add real-time Futures + $25/month to add real-time Forex data + monthly exchange fees.

We have a 20% discount when you prepay annually. So that would be = (82+20+25) X 12 months X 80% = $1219.20/year + monthly exchange fees.

Which futures exchanges do you want? If you want Globex data (CBOT, CME, COMEX, NYMEX) are you familiar with the Non-professional Globex exchange fee waiver program?

Thank you,


Dave Forss – Sales / Business Development Manager

DTN - Global Trading Markets - 9110 W Dodge Rd - Omaha, NE 68114

Phone: 402.255.8429 Fax: 402.255.8180 Toll Free: 800.475.4755.x.8429

Email: [email protected] Website / Online Chat:

Free Trial Sign-up Link:

Traders Forum: Twitter:
