Delayed Futures Data

Have NT7 with IQFeed basic and free demoCQG feed.Forex data works fine but ES,TF,YM and GC charts seem to have about a 10min delay. Any ideas why? Hope I posted this in the right place.

On iqfeed the futures exchange data is delayed unless you pay for it or have a cme broker waiver.

Use NTB for futures data unless you want to pay 250 a month for it. See home getting started get free futures data step. Takes about 2 minutes.

But i think your issue is not the connections but the order and probably startup settings.

Make sure you do NOT connect to amp or iqfeed on startup

Connect to NTB when connected then connect to iqfeed AFTER amp/cqg shows.connected.

Order of connection determines what data feed is used. since amp cqg is only doing futures you need it to connect first so it will use it for futures. Then iqfeed so it will see futures is done on amp and won’t pull the delayed data but no forex on amp so it Wil use iqfeed for forex.

Thanks Darrell that solved the problem. Was always connecting to IQ feed first.