Our Deviation and Deviation Levels indicators’ algorithms use the Implied Volatility from their respective markets. Some of these markets take a while for the new IV’s to be posted and for this reason, the indicators still require some level of manual effort each night to be calculated and posted. The error on your chart will go away by refreshing it, (Pressing F5 refreshes the chart,) after we’ve loaded the new deviation levels for the next day.
If new deviation levels for the next day aren’t posted by 8:30 pm, please alert the help desk and we’ll check into it for you.
Also, during rollover times, they may not appear for one contract or the other and you may need to adjust your rollover dates. During these times, we will push a message to NinjaTrader that should automatically pop up when you launch NinjaTrader7. As a reminder, these messages we send out are important and you should not clear them off without reading them first.