Diagnostic Bar Settings Clarification and Forex settings


I was wondering regarding the Diagnostic Bar settings. I see on the Diagnostic Bar Size and Settings page all the different instruments. However I don’t see all the forex pairs. These in particular: EUR/GBP EUR/JPY USD/CAD USD/CHF

Is it because other than E/J, do most move too slow for the Apex system?

Can anyone tell me what they should be? I see the rest that are on Nadex already listed on the settings page.

Also, why when you make the adjustment on the chart for the bar size, the setting is called “brick”? Are those two words interchangeable bar size/ brick size?


Here “http://apexinvesting.net/module-1/diagnostic-bar-sizes/” is where you learn how to figure out the size for each instrument.

Many people interchange bar size and brick size. They are the same thing…

Happy trading!!!



Thanks Brad. I just watched the video and I think I have to wait till the forex markets are open again. I couldn’t log into FXCM and my charts weren’t pulling any data.

That being said, after watching the video, I can follow the steps to get to the point of comparing the different time periods, but at that point, it seems subjective as to which is going to be best, and being new to all this, me coming up with what may be the best time period might not be the best decision.

What do you think?


Honestly, deciding when you can reliably trade is a personal decision. You know what the personal/familial demands you face. What I would say is for you to open up the charts of the instruments that you are interested in, do a little back testing to see which ones are the best for your timeframes.

What I would suggest is to filter out what markets are actually open during the times you can trade. If the markets aren’t open, lot less chance that there will be movement…

You can use market replay, search the forums for the info, to test over the weekend.
