Diagnostic Bar Settings Problem

I trade IZSS Spreads using the Beginner Template. I am confused by what I am looking at. How do I input my 3/12/60 settings. What am I not doing correctly, what should know inorder to fix the problem?

This is explained in the IZSS training video, suggest you watch again in case you’ve missed other important parts of the system. In the meantime this is simple to fix. In the top right of your Data Series window click on Type ad select APEX Continuum Bars. Then enter 3 for Trend Size, 12 for Reversal and 60 for Continuum Time.

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In the Period section under type, choose continuum bars. Then you should be able to enter your 3 12 60 settings. It should look like this:

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Dusty before moving forward or doing anything else in the Forum you need to go back and watch the IZSS training course again and mainly need to watch the bonus videos and updates in the last module showing Darrell in the elite Room reviewing the IZSS course. please watch all of these videos at least once, if not twice before moving forward.