Have you ever wanted a quick easy way to organize your charts on your screen and resize them?
Well this handy little free program lets you do it.
Just install it then click on the chart - click ctrl + alt + the number on the keypad on where you want the chart on the monitor and it will put it there perfectly and in different sizes. It takes about 15 seconds to figure out.
CNET download:
Original Download but not working right now: Winsplit Revolution Download Page
(Note if you have the chart selected to always be on top it won’t work so you can’t have right click chart always on top)
This also works for browsers
(donate like $5.00 to the developer like $5.00) if you like it)
I installed this but it doesn’t seem to work for me. I tried clicking first on a chart and then I did CTRL + ALT + a keypad number, hoping it would just toggle, but nothing at all occurred. FYI, I am using Windows 8 64-bit. Is it not compatible with this??
I am not aware off hand if it is compatible with Windows 8 or if there is an update for that. You would need to check with the companies site directly for that or for any tech issues with the software