Elite Chat Romm Access problems

I am having trouble accessing the hotcomm Elite trading room. I am running win 7 on 2 different computers and hotcomm CL fails to launch. Any ideas?

Under the Elite menu, you’ll find the link for Hotcomm support. They have to be the ones to assist you with that software. Let us know if there’s anything else we can do.

I tried clicking that link, but it takes me to the signup page and says I’m already signed up. So I don’t know what more I can do.

If you need technical support (ie are having difficulty connecting to the trade room) contact:

Cathy Meyer

hotComm and OnlineTraderCentral Support

Direct Line: 508-363-2342

1stWorks Corporation

hotComm website: http://www.hotcomm.com/support.asp

hotComm Support Main: 508-425-6613