End of day strategy with binaries that invovle entry during 12pm (EST) hour


Hi Darrell,

I would like a binary strategy that if I miss the P3 signal, I can execute another one that still gives me time till the end of the day, i.e., (3pm or 4:15pm).

Michael Colo.


A strategy is defined as a way to use an instrument: ie buy a ITM, ATM, OTM binary, sell a ITM, ATM, OTM binary, buy a ITM and OTM binary for a double binary, buy a OTM binary and sell a otm binary for a strangle etc…

A pure basic signal is nothing more than buy this contract, this expiration, at this price etc…

If a pure basic signal is sent, we can’t know if you missed the signal or not. It’s sent at 11 AM ET everyday, so not sure how much more timely we can make it for you. A pure basic signal can not be individually tailored. If you missed it and someone else didn’t, do they take it or do they not. A 1,000 questions go into this. But there is a solution as I will explain below.

Not sure why you’re stating end of day as we aim to close the trades before expiration and 12 PM expiration. If 12 pm worked we would have it in there. The 11 AM time frame has several unique factors. That’s why the basic entry, getting started, learn how to place a trade, core trade, is sent at that time. So, we can’t just randomly pick a start time. The nice thing is it is consistently sent at that time each day so you can plan around it, it’s at 11 AM ET. Though as I tell everyone over and over and over again. That is just a basic new trader getting started. Learn how to place an entry on a buy, exit on a buy, adjust and cancel an order on a buy and the same on a sell. Once you have that down move past core trades QUICKLY and onto the systems so you can control your trading.

Any trading system has to be designed around how the market works. You can’t say I just want an end of day trade, you have to go in and do a lot of stats collection from the generation of combinations in market dynamics like price action, volume, news, seasonality, expected moves and more.

A system is a defined set of rules where you can trade all you want

P3 is a System and Signal service. It’s meant to take a trader past the spoon fed signal.

It teaches you systems so you can have all the signals you want so you can control your trading and not wait on someone to send a signal to you and have no idea why it happened.

I see you have not taken any of the courses offered under the education courses. The courses are free for all Apex members. Also under the signal menu above, there is a whole p3 trading systems section to help you see what all is available as a p3 member.

The great news is we teach you how to get all the signals you want by using the systems and tools provided. You can do this at night, in the early morning hours, during the day etc… You can trade for 15 minutes (ie epc/etc) or an hour (boomerangs, mvp, scalps), or multiple hours all depending on your schedule.