EPc trades

Darrell in Expiration Premium Collection trades i can just buy ? Cant i sell too and buy back lower? When you say set the scanner at 70 - 90, its for the risk reward to pay out right? What i did wrong in the example below?

Buy 08/28/13 15:49:01 1 US 500 (Sep) >1631.0 (4:15PM) @ 93.5 -93.5 Fee Payment 08/28/13 15:49:01 1 US 500 (Sep) >1631.0 (4:15PM) @ 93.5 -0.9 Sell 08/28/13 15:50:40 1 US 500 (Sep) >1637.0 (4:15PM) @ 6.5 -93.5 Fee Payment 08/28/13 15:50:40 1 US 500 (Sep) >1637.0 (4:15PM) @ 6.5 -0.9 Buy to Close 08/28/13 15:55:13 1 US 500 (Sep) >1637.0 (4:15PM) @ 4 96 Fee Payment 08/28/13 15:55:13 1 US 500 (Sep) >1637.0 (4:15PM) @ 4 -0.9 Buy 08/28/13 15:55:27 1 US 500 (Sep) >1637.0 (4:15PM) @ 3 -3 Fee Payment 08/28/13 15:55:27 1 US 500 (Sep) >1637.0 (4:15PM) @ 3 -0.9 Settlement Payout 08/28/13 16:15:30 1 LONG US 500 (Sep) >1631.0 (4:15PM) @ 93.5 100 Fee Payment 08/28/13 16:15:30 Expiration Fee: 1 LONG US 500 (Sep) >1631.0 (4:15PM) @ 93.5 -0.9 Settlement Payout 08/28/13 16:15:30 1 LONG US 500 (Sep) >1637.0 (4:15PM) @ 3 0

in anything you can buy and sell higher

or sell then buy back lower

i use 65 to 95 (though i only take 70 to 90 - this allows me to see them without them disappearing off and on as price fluctuates)

Your buying things for 93.5 that is a 6.60 profit with a 1.80 fee not worth the trade - your doing them for way to little;

one loss will wipe out like 15 profits or more

Also looks like your doing a range bound trade for EPC - i don’t recommend this - i rarely ever do this- i am almost always directional - the counter argument is the increased profit decreases your risk - but the reality is the increases the probability you will lose as any move in either direction will nail you