The market ran down all night ran a deviation and flipped. We posted a couple of them on teh chart mark ups in the elite room today. The Apex Entry and Add on 8.5 + 5.9 = 17 points at $20 a point on NQ $340 profit on two trades.
Optional trade was also shown with a sequential MVP (after previous MVP reversal did not fire off due to not breaking high), and settlment gap fill was broken, + a apex reversal formed. 16.25 points - at $20 a point for a $325 trade.
DM, were these Nadex trades? Trying to figure the $20/point. 20 contracts?
regardless, great systems, awesome results!
NQ is worth $5.00 a tick, ticks in .25, (4 quarters in a dollar) so $20 a point. (Check out the spread scanner we show the futures tick size value, the spreads tick size value, and the ratios)
So your math is spot on that would be 20 US Tech 100 spreads to also be worth $20.00 a point.
Glad to see this. I will be trading the NQ to build my account up. Unfortunately I spent most of my money in buying systems that did not suite my trading style such as APEX does. Whoever may be reading this I encourage you to stick with APEX Investing. I’ve spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars looking for a consistent system that is actually traded by the instructor.
Darrell is one of few…