Today was the day that I went live and it I truly wish it would have started out better. I woke up today quite early and read a few books before the market opened. As I got ready to trade I thought to myself that I should watch CL on the 12 tick and the 6 tick, but after getting some advice from Darrell on a post I wrote a few weeks back about tick sizes I decided to stick with the larger time frames.
One thing that I have been noticing is that on days where the higher time frame is not presenting any complete APEX’s there are usually complete APEX’s on smaller tick sizes and today was a good example of that.
Take a look!
6 Tick CL
CL 6 Tick Today - TradeNumberz’s library
12 Tick CL
CL 12 Tick Today - TradeNumberz’s library
As one can see what appeared to be a traded less day on the 12 Tick at the time that I took the screen shot the 6 Tick chart showed a multiple APEX’s to the downside today. Not to say that there weren’t any Momentum Scalps. But as a person who does not trade Momentum Scalps there were no complete APEX’s to trade at the time I stopped trading.
[FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5]So What About The Trade I Took Today?![/size][/font]
Below is a screenshot of the trade that I took today…
TF Trade 14 Tick
Todays Trade TF - TradeNumberz’s library
There was a person in the Elite Room who recommended that we tighten up our stop losses since we were entering trades near the deviation levels. After today’s trade this is something that I realized I needed to learn more about so any posts or videos about this that Darrell has created please let me know.
The blue line that has the red arrow pointing to it was the original stop loss based off of following the rules. And due to slippage I got in one tick above my original price. The close of the E Bar 1125.4 so that I set my limit order to 1125.7 (3 Tciks above the close of the E bar) but I got filled at 1125.8 which is 1 tick of slippage.
[FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5]Here a few things that I learned today that were not as obvious when I was trading in simulation. [/size][/font]
Even if you follow the rules to the T sometimes the trade may just go against you. I saw the set up and I took but I was stopped out.
I need to learn more about deviations and their significance to expected moves. But what is really odd about trading near deviations is that when I was trading in simulation I never took trades near deviations. Dumb move on my part to disregard what I had been doing all along.
I believe what caused me to change is that at times I would see price pierce through deviation levels so I I’m kind of in a limbo when it comes to that.
3 The STOP LOSSES FOR THE APEX SYSTEM ARE HUGE. Had I stayed in the trade and let price move to the 5 ticks below the low of P stop loss I would have been down approximately $460.00 dollars. To some of you $460 is nothing but some of us who aren’t millionaires that’s a good chunk of change.
- Consider what your mind tells you. I had multiple opportunities to cut my losses short but I was in a battle of the mind. One part of my mind told me “cut your losses short on this trade, you are near a deviation level”. But the other side of my brain told me “let price reach ts stop loss and follow the rules.”
My mind also told me to consider OIL on a 6 tick today but I disregarded it as well. So now I’m trying to figure out how I deal with conflicting thoughts.
In conclusion I believe the best thing for me to do now is to continue to take the shot when the target appears tomorrow. If I freeze now probability will not play into my favor.
In spite of my loss I followed the rules but sometimes even when you do things right you can lose and that was just the case today. We’ll see what tomorrow holds. The reality of “Losing is a part of the game” just become a real life reality. If you can’t handle the losses psychologically find another profession.