Foreign language issues

The NinjaTrader toolkit may sometimes fail if your computer is setup with a foreign language.

This is because your windows is formatting dates and numbers differently from the way they are expected to be formatted by the code I have written. It’s my mistake and I need to find those errors and update the code.

However, to get your toolkit running immediately before I patch the code, you can do the following:

  1. Open Control Panel → Language and Regional Options
  2. Set Format = English(Australia) or English (United States)

The image below shows the settings you need to make. Since your computer is using a different language, it may be helpful to look in control panel for the icon that I circled in the image below.

I’m having issues with my toolkit validating my license so it’s not activating any of the indicators. I thought the above may be a cause but my computer is already set to English (United States). I’ve submitted a help ticket.

Not sure why you would think this. If you are in the US and english is main language this would not impact it.

Hop in the trade room we will help i saw ben has tried to reach you a few times in th ehelp desk so he can hop on your pc and solve it in literally 5 minutes max for you.

Looking at your account i see your pc is activated and enabled so I will assume this is resolved and reply in the help desk. If not let me know in the help desk so ben can get ahold of you.

Hey Darrell

Yes sorry I didn’t update this post Ben and I talked over Skype and he got on my computer and fixed my account. We are good to go now and I was able to access all the indicators and templates. In fact I made some nice trades today. Gonna get heavily involved in the trade room on Monday and go from there. Thanks

That is awesome. It was a great day for trading :slight_smile: Had some nice ones today as well. See you Monday in the room.