Yes during fast markets (news) a demo underlying platform will still assume a fill. In live you wont get filled ie if a limit… or if a market could easily get a horrible fill. It wont mirror the results on news in a live account for spot forex. Specially if your using something like Metatrader 4. Which also makes a trader blind to true volume. This is why we use nt7 as we have indicators that will pull the live futures forex EXCHANGE based volume and put it right on the forex chart.
I have told you how i trade it
I have a news plan showing my exact plan everyday. You can view it here:
and it rocks it week after week.
I don’t have or need to convince you and I only say that as I don’t want you to feel that is what I am trying to do. I have been there done that on the forex news trade thing and after many many many years in live trading on news futures forex options etc… i can tell you hands down Nadex is the best choice for trading the news.
I don’t mind if you don’t go that route but i desire if you decide not to that you do so for the right reasons not misinformed assumptions (which trust me i had as well so I am speaking from my own learning curve here) so I am going to take a few minutes here do a long reply and lay it all out
and hope it helps you whatever route you choose to go.
Yes I do fade it but i often to low risk OTM binaries with no stop loss or ITM binaries and collect premium. I am tying my fades into expected moves for that specific event that specific hour of the day, expected volume, and spike strikers. I also look at deviation levels, and factor in magnet pricing.
I see you have not taken any of our courses like spike striker, boomerang, spread scanner, binary scanner, stop plugin etc… Not sure why as you have been a member for a year now. But your really selling yourself short by not taking advantage of what I am teaching in these courses.
So some assumptions we can flesh out…
Enough time on their spreads
I’m not sure what you mean they have 23 hour spreads they have 5, 6, 8 and 2 hour spreads.
This is very odd in relation to news as a news trade should be over in no more than 6 hours but honestly less than 30 minutes to an hour in most cases so I’m not sure how this statement applies at all to news trading and not using spreads. How much time do you need? Why do you think you need more time? What are you trying to do that makes you think you need more time? Are you using expected movement that we provide for days and individual hours, 2 hours, 30 minutes etc… as this would let you know how much movement to expect in the time that the spread is available to trade. Sounds like you where picking the wrong spreads.
Some videos for you to watch:
Other important video to watch
Nadex Spreads Made Easy
Tips and Misconceptions About Nadex Spreads
How To Trade Nadex Spreads To Mirror The Underlying Market
How To Trade The Right Nadex Spread
Also very important make sure you are very familiar with the Spread Scanner and Stop Plugin
Spread Scanner Course
Stop Plugin Course
How To Pick The Best Nadex Spread
Binary strikes to wide
To wide for what system? Your talking about news but your referring to daily strikes. What where you trying to accomplish with the daily strikes? They move slower not really sure why you where using them. You want to have a reason for the specific binary chosen and its not just time. But movement expectation, strike location to underlying, price, speed of movement etc…
Binaries Mistakes To Avoid:
News Calendar:
Binary Options Part Time & Night Time:
Binary Scanner Course
Stop Plugin Course
The ones that are close have much shorter expiration
Not sure why this is an issue your trading news which will have a short impact on the market why do you feel you need a longer expiration?
With the above three seems like odds stacked against you
Seems more a lack of the best way to use them than an odds thing. As you can be on either side of any trade so it makes no sense to say the odds are stacked against you.
Collateralized is nice
This is everything its massive its limits risk and lets you survive
Buffer on Spreads is ridiculous (ecspecially upper and lower spreads and short term spreads)
The very thing you mention though the buffer etc… is why you see iron condors (premium collection_) all over my news trade plan - if you thnk its ridiculous then be on the other side 
By buffer I assume you mean the proximity of the spread price to the underlying market price quote?
The buffer is actually not ridiculous its no different than any other option vanilla cal or put option. It uses a simple black schooles model from floor to middle and from ceiling to middle) (making your Deep ITM be right in the cneter if comparing price models).
It does not matter if it is upper or lower or short term. They all work 100% the same way. The closer a strike is to an option the h igher the premium is. This is on a call option on google, a put option on ES, it is on a long term and a shorter term expiration. Note the closer you get to expiration the less the premium will be. The closer you get to the center the less the premium will be (like going deeper ITM on a call/put)
So this assumption is base don a misunderstanding option model pricing. Its not unfair or ridiculous its actually perfectly priced. To state this would be to not understand a pricing model, how fast they move in relation to strike, and most often comes from misunderstanding this and lousing often on spreads due to this mistake. Same thing happens to option traders (it just a slower loosing process so they don’t see their mistakes so fast)
Here is one example from today on ES versus Nadex

I feel the setups unfold
not sure what that means
[b][i]I also feel that setups unfold on my charts and you have to wait for a particular Nadex contract to open to place the order then you miss your entry maybe I’m just doing things wrong with nadex but its seem restrictive to me,
You dont have to wait at all it sounds like to me your not using the systems or at the very least the scanner I provide free of charge.
Its a weird concept to me
What is a weird concept your use to options so not sure where the confusion is but I am here to help.
the time element is the worst
This is actually in your favor it makes the options moves faster and they are cheaper and if your doing intraday trading specifically news trading this is the ONLY type of option you want.
stock options - longer tem contracts
Yes that means you put more money at risk and you get less movement in the process and have a higher impact of Implied volatily crush on your position. Not a good choice for news trading at all.
its not always easiest thing to pin point a market moves like with a 1:1 binary or ATM option
Use the scanner and the simulator:
Binary Scanner Course
Learn More On Forex
Under Education - Market Overviews - I have a forex training there - also under education - nadex - i have a forex contract specs with some good stuff in it (even for non-nadex traders)
Let me know anything you want to know on forex that should get you started. But I have traded forex for about 10 years now so I should be able to easily answer any questions you have. (Structure section has a basic forex area (not very used yet - but a good place for basic forex questions in case your wondering)
Hope all this helps 
Thanks for taking the time to write all that!!
So if I trade a news event and place a pending order above and below the current price just a few minuets before the trade your saying the success rate will not keep up? also it may not get filled??
How do you recommend to trade the news then, I have seen guys doing News Fade Trades that seem ok.
As for nadex, I have been trading in there for a while, it has its advantages but that time element makes it very difficult I feel and I don’t feel the offer enough time on there spreads, there binary strikes are too wide and a the ones that are closer have much shorter expiration it just seem things are really stacked against you besides the fact that all the contracts are collateralized which is nice, also the buffer on the spreads is ridiculous especially on the upper and lower spread and short term spreads.
I also feel that setups unfold on my charts and you have to wait for a particular Nadex contract to open to place the order then you miss your entry maybe I’m just doing things wrong with nadex but its seem restrictive to me, I have had great runs on there and grew my account 337% in one month but overall its a weird concept to me, basically the time element is the worst, at least when I trade stock options you can buy longer term contracts, its not always the easiest thing to pin point a market move like with a 1;1 binary or ATM option.
Anyway I would like to learn more on Forex, do you have education on this??
Thanks for your time as always.