I recently started the demo account about a week ago with Nadex and all of my trades are mostly fx from the news announcements. However, I would like to trade other markets as well and I was wondering if there are some good resources or websites that others use to study news going on with the indices and metals markets. For those who are successful trading the indices do you rely heavily on the apex method for most of your trades? I guess I’m just wondering what others are doing to gather information and decide to enter a trade and where you would be finding that information. Thanks!
I have found the APEX has an amazing and uncanny ability of picking the news direction (due to the pull backs that usually happen right before news) and is a great way to catch large moves that happen on news.
Check out the apex elite trading room and pattern with a free 2 week trial - we are currently allow - 2 - 2 week trials with no card at all to see it in action.
I would like to second the questions Isteff24 asked. For sure I have taken (demo) and observed in the trade room some good trades on the indices with APEX system, the potential is clear, but I just want to be more informed about my instruments before consider trading them live, and get a better understanding of each indices fundamentals, just out of interest more than anything.
So what websites does anyone recommend and any good twitter feeds to follow? I have just signed up to Financial Juice from the Apex site here, but like to find out more.
Also are earnings reports big events to watch out for, I guess when a big company like Apple releases it must have effect on the S&P 500 for example, is there a way to know when these are released?
Woodzy, not sure what information you are looking for here, that is not offered directly on the Apex site. As Darrell mentioned above, the Apex Systems tell you when to enter a trade and can be used even on news trades. Refer to the recent webinar on using Spike Striker for Oil Inventory and other news reports. You mentioned you had the financial juice link provided on the Apex site. Also, there is the News Trading plan directly on the Apex site that lets you know what news reports are coming out, what markets it will effect, expected moves, what strategies and system to use for the news release etc. Also, it lets you know when earnings reports are coming out and what markets it will effect. All of this is provided.
First thing to teach you is this
A chart is a chart is a chart I can show you multiple charts and you co uld not tell me which is a stock, which is oil and which is USD/JPY.
I do not recommend trying to trade indices based on the news. I have had servers on the floor, done sophisticated and even automated systems, and more and i can tell you there is not a great way to trade indices on the news beyond that of something like reading the chart ie with spike strikers etc…
News is primarily impacting an economy, which then impacts the currency. The metals do not have a consistent impact on news events. I have the engines to run stats on basically anything. I focus on forex for a reason. The consistency in news is on forex.
The exceptions would be ie Oil Inventory Natural Gas inventory etc… (which the easiest play is simply to do spike striker like i showed a couple weeks back on the Monday evening webinar.
Im not sure what information you think you need to gather. Be aware of the news and trade the charts. You don’t need to do a bunch of research. In reality all the research you could possibly do would never even come close to the firms that have scores of people doing research. And all that research is reflected directly in the price action of the chart, the volume on the chart, and the expectancy from implied volatility of options which we display on the chart with deviation levels. Your research is done for you its on the chart.
Its not just potential you have seen. Its live trades traders making money as evidenced in multiple post on this site and in the rooms.
I have seen multiple traders have a misconceived perception that there are “fundamentals” of an indice that will somehow help them. There are little things you can learn along the way but there is not some research site that has anything of value as whatever you need to observer to make a decision is on the chart itself or on correlated charts.
Now its good to be aware of scheduled news. But i tell you that on the news calendar. I also alert you to what stocks are having earnings when the report is coming out and what indice(s) its in.
AAPL is not in the S&P 500 AAPL Components | Apple Inc. Stock - Yahoo! Finance http://finance.yahoo.com/q/ct?s=AAPL+Components
I have studied the stocks related to every indice and the impact is usually minimal and if there is not a consistent one to be able to make a trade off of. I do one earnings trade each quarter and usually call it out live on my radio show listen long enough and you will hear it Notice I do 1 just 1 earnings based trade. Meaning i have studied the others and just 1 has a consistent impact on an indice. Don’t ask what it is just listen into the show you will hear it eventually If you want to know when they are being released check the news trading plan i list the major important stock earnings releases with wire release times (which are before the press conference and when the stock actually moves).
Essentially you are trying to find more information that will be delayed data (post the chart moving) that will make your decision more difficult to make. They are difficult enough to make without trying read 25 twitter feeds and 100 news feeds. I use financial juice so if i see something unexplained happen i can see if any news explains it. It does not forecasting for me - unplanned news is not news - unplanned news is history - its new to you not to the algos that already moved the market - its good for monday morning quarterbacking not for live trading. Ie today i was in a short oil trade i took profit and one of my trades fired off a unexpected short USD/JPY minutes later oil sky rockedd and usd/jpy flew down. I look at financial juice and find out Ukraine is engaging Russia on Ukraine soil. Now i now why it moved… but here are the fact the market moved by the time the news/fundamentals etc… came across. I traded based on the charts took profits and made profits again later on usd/jpy. All from the charts. Anything else and i would have been to late as the move would have already have happened.
I jumped the gun a bit with that post, since then I have found the financial juice website and your news plan are great resources and provide everything I was after. I never planned to take trades based on fundamentals, but just coming from forex trading my mindset is so set on the importance of news and fundamentals.
yes all the links are under news in the top menu for any who read this post later and are trying to find them